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The Alliance Adviser denounces: The municipality will divide them over 800 thousand euros to Siti Lajt without announcing a tender

Announcement from the Alliance for Albanians in Struga

Today in the regular session of the Municipal Council of Struga, advisor from the Alliance for Albanians, Emin Kupa reacted harshly to the program for construction of new routes and reconstruction of public lighting in the territory of the municipality of Struga for the year 2021.

Kupa demanded an account why the municipality did not open a public tender but made a contract in action with SITI LAJT (City Light) for maintenance, for which it allocates the staggering amount of over 50 million denars (50.800.000,00).

The municipality divides around 830 thousand euros for City Light, for repairing defects in street lighting and replacement of burnt and broken lights.

Are such large sums needed in this time of pandemics, in this economic and social crisis?!