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Alliance for Albanians: We won the battle for the two-way street – Merko give account

Announcement from the Alliance for Albanians in Struga

Honorable citizens,
When Ramiz Merko with friends, violated the will of citizens and for personal pleasure, decided to close the main access road to Struga, we promised you this would not pass. We promised you we would do our best, using all legal possibilities to restore the two-way traffic regime on this road. And so it happened.
At the initiative of the advisors of the Struga Alliance and with the support of most of the other advisors, on two occasions we overturned the decision of Ramiz Merko and his partners. Around, considering the city as its own property, violated all his powers, all legal provisions and continued his rage, against all citizens of Struga.
For this reason, we continued to seek what belongs to us even using the necessary legal means in the relevant institutions and inspectorates. The final result came from the highest institution of the state, Constitutional Court. Our common battle, U FITUA!

By, since tonight the traffic on this road has already started to develop in two directions, then we are asking Doctor Ramiz.
What did you gain from all this anger against the vast majority of the citizens of Struga?
At whose expense all those expenses went to prepare the way, once one-way and now two-way?

We know that it is not too late for the citizens' budget, but that will be the topic in a future day!

Alliance for Albanians – Struga
Imer Imeri, branch president