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Here's what cruel conditions should children learn from 7 to 9 years in the town of Struga

So from within the scope of Elementary School “Miladinovci brothers” to the House of Culture in Struga.
On this subject from next week should attend children from second grade to the fourth, VOX writes Struga.
Although the Struga municipality had promised that the children of this school year will be transferred to the new building constructed in the main building of the school,, it did not happen. In the main building of the school to teach students from the fifth grade until the ninth. The new spaces began to build more than three years, but it seems despite promises given by local administration, This object is not ready.
VOX Struga teaches that parents of students who must learn to old building, in cruel conditions, the next day we made meetings. The plan, according to some of them, It is boycotting the learning process, because they do not want to endanger the lives and health of their children.

School Director “Miladinovci brothers”, Laura Shate, during the last session of the Council, He promised to 15 September new spaces will be available and students will be transferred there. /VOX Struga /