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Daily Hospital yield new face / day hospital with a new look

Public Health Institute, General Hospital in Struga after long years of work in unsuitable conditions, finally got a new Outpatient Clinic. This is one of the first things derived from new director, Muhamed Hasani.
The staff of the Hospital, VOX for Struga claim to be overwhelmed by the new premises and say that this will improve the efficiency of the services the hospital provides to patients.

“This daily hospital covers Struga municipality and beyond with a capacity of over 800 patients a month. We express our gratitude to the Director, Dr. Asani, for his commitment and excellent work displayed. Patients feel better and happier when they see that someone creates better conditions for them. And thank the VOX Struga for fair imformiranje” – announced by the staff of the Hospital, in PHI General Hospital – Struga.

Public Health Institution, General Hospital in Struga, paa many years working in unsuitable conditions, finally became the new facilities Hospital ward Daily.
This is one of the first works carried out by the new director of Hospital, Muhamet Asani.
Hospital staff for VOX Daily Struga say they are extremely satisfied with the new spaces adding that da to increase the efficiency of work and services that the hospital provides to patients.
“This day hospital covers the entire municipality of Struga and beyond, with a capacity of over 800 patients per month. We express our deep gratitude to the Director, doctor Asanin, for his dedication and for the proper performance of duties. Even patients feel better and happier when they see that someone is creating better conditions for them. We also thank Struga-n VOX objective information” – said in a press release the day hospital personnel at PHI General Hospital – Struga.