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Geni Qyra - new chairman of Alternative in Struga

today, at a meeting on the reorganization of the Struga Branch, after a meeting of the Branch Assembly, the new chairman of the Struga Branch was also elected. He will be Geni Qyra, electronics engineer.
On this occasion, the newly elected head of the Branch, Gene Qyra, thanked the members of parliament for their trust, he also thanked the current coordinator of the branch, Hussein Dika, as well as promised that he will always be at the service of the Branch and, in general, of Struga.
The chairman of Alternativa was also present at this meeting, Afrim Gashi, who greeted the attendees and wished the new head of the branch good work, thanking him, as well, and the current coordinator of the Branch.
Chairman Gashi, also, he also spoke about the general political situation, informing the members of the Struga Branch about the difficult political situation due to the mismanagement of this government, while he also spoke about the role and contribution that Alternative gives as the parliamentary opposition.