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The Alliance for Albanians demands responsibility for the case in the Struga hospital

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The case of a pregnant woman from Debar, who is being treated at the General Hospital in Struga, proves that the health situation in Northern Macedonia is difficult and out of control. According to the testimony of the husband, there are many irregularities, both professionally and ethically, which are related to corruption, unprofessionalism and non-compliance with medical protocols that caused irreparable consequences for the patient's health.

It is also worrying that the authorities play the role of deaf and dumb and continue the game of defense of untouchables or party soldiers. Although they passed 4 months, there is still no epilogue to this event with serious consequences, which shows the inability of the system and the complicated labyrinths to achieve justice, what the government is talking about and promising, and the victims of non-implementation are ordinary citizens of this country, which is still dragging on the infinite path of transition.

In November last year, The State Sanitary and Health Inspectorate conducted an inspection and declared their institution incompetent, to request expert supervision and to transfer the competencies to the Chamber of Physicians and the Ministry of Health, which to date have not taken into account the institution in question.

The Alliance for Albanians urgently requests the Ministry of Health and the Chamber of Physicians to form appropriate commissions and to supervise the professional work of the physicians and to discover any possible error of the physician and to process the case in question., so that the family from Debar will understand the truth and compensate for what is irreparable – health.