NEWS / newsPeriphery / The environment

Burn two cars in the police yard / arrested 48 old

more 26.04.2020 at 00.50 in the village of Dollogozhdë in Struga, has been deprived of liberty D.Z.. (48), on suspicion of committing the criminal offense of “causing general danger”, reported by the Struga police, conveys in7.

The most suspected person 25.04.2020, in the period from hour 23.30 up at 23.55, caused a fire in two passenger vehicles parked in the yard of the Police Office in Dellogozhda. The fire was extinguished by the Fire Department from Struga.

The police announce that all measures have been taken and work is underway to fully clarify the case, where there will be an adequate criminal record against this person.