NEWS / news

Nine recovered patients and a new case of Kovid19 in Struga

The Ministry of Health informs that today the Institute of Public Health registers 38 recovered patients in: Skopje-19, Tetovo-3, Struga-9, Bitola-4 and Gostivar-3.

A patient from Skopje died at the Clinic for Infectious Diseases and Febrile Conditions 50 years, hospitalized on 6 April, and the patient 17 days of mechanical ventilation. A patient died at the oncology clinic 51 year from Prilep whose positive result of covid-19 arrived yesterday.

in the past 24 h is made 279 test, and it is confirmed 21 a new case of covid-19 in: Skopje - 7, Kumanovo -6, Prilep-4, Tetovo-1, Pehchevo-1, Delchevo -1, Struga-1.

With this the total number of cobwebs diagnosed in our country is 1442, the number of recovering patients is 627, of the dead is 73, and currently the number of active cases in the country is 742.

Upon completion of an epidemiological survey, for two people who were registered in Kavadarci in yesterday's report of the IPH, have been determined to be residents of Demir Kapija. In today's report of the IPH, a correction will be made and they will be registered in Negotino, because Demir Kapija belongs to this regional unit. According to this, the last distribution by cities is as follows:
• Skopje - 493
. Kumanovo – 384
Бар Debar - 51
. Stip-34
Леп Prilep –147
 Tetovo - 76
 Struga - 66
 Veles - 69
 Bitola –19
 Ohrid –15
. Kavadarci - 5
. Gostivar –17
 Gevgelija - 4
 Strumica - 2
. Kriva Palanka-5
 Radovish – 4
Ру Krushevo - 3
 Kocani - 28
Би Probistip - 2
 Kicevo - 2
 Negotino -7
 Demir Hisar - 1
 Makedonski Brod -2
. Pehchevo- 2
. Delchevo-1
. Valandovo -1
 Vinica – 2

Made 279 dough are through: IJZ –146, Veterinary f-thet -20 , Avicenna -25, Biotech-29, Philip II (Jean Mitrev) –39, Sistina with PCR method -12 and MANU – 8.  So far, the country has done a total 16050 tests for the acid -19.

He was admitted to the Clinic for Infectious Diseases and Febrile Conditions 2 new patients, and hospitalized total 52. They are on oxygen support 28, and mechanical ventilation 3 patients.

In the CGH "September 8" received received 8 new, and totally hospitalized 35. With a more severe clinical picture are 5, and the respirator total 6 patients.

They are being treated at the hospital in Bitola 5, and home treatment is followed 4 patients. They are hospitalized in the hospital in Stip 3 patients, and more 6 are monitored for home treatment. At the infectious wards in Tetovo, Gostivar, Kumanovo, Veles and Prilep are being treated 42 positive and respectful of covid-19.

The Minister of Health Assoc. dr. Venko Filipce, will not hold a press conference today, but the Public Relations Office is open to all journalistic questions, which will be answered as soon as possible.