NEWS / newsPeriphery / The environment

The Labunisht DUI is justified for the quarries

Dear residents of Llabunishte

It is with great regret that we begin our party position and text in these difficult days, We are sorry for the recent events in our beloved Llabunishte, in the country as well as in our planet. We are especially sorry for the lost lives of our sisters and brothers in the last period, hell be a gift to them, and to their relatives, we wish you patience and health. We wish all the sick a speedy recovery and return to daily activities.
Despite such difficult times for all of us, we are following events on social networks and we cannot believe what we follow and what we read. Dear Llabunishtans, Is now the time for politics?, for spreading hatred and intolerance? We understand complex patriots, manipulated, vain and fake people who have spent their whole lives walking from one party to another, but we also believe that they are very few compared to those who are wise and patient. Although our position was that in this period when we are dealing with the corona virus, we should not declare anything about the party and politics, but we had to do this, Believe me, we had to share the truth with all of you, Dear Labanians.

We will start like this: Why DUI is the most talked about party this period, when we know that the government is made up of a coalition of more parties, in the middle of SDSM, Bdi, Alternative.. here is an official data from the State Electoral Commission for the early parliamentary elections of the year 2016 from the votes in Llabunishte: Bdi – 1110, LSDM – 971, then BESA today ALTERNATIVE – 717. These numbers tell you something 971 and 717??? Did you know that ALTERNATIVE is also in the government? Remember something of the same in this period of governance? At least one meter of road reconstruction, or any employment, you remember??? ALREADY! Nothing, they have done nothing at all for Llabunishte, while they received a large number of votes, Unfortunately . They also misuse this sensitive period through social networks, and through fan pages (fan pages) the caves that tire, fake portals and profiles started spreading hate, division and mistrust among the Llabunishtans. Another question, Do you remember the local elections of the year? 2013? Do you know how many votes the previous mayor of k. received from Llabunishta?. of Struga from among the ALLIANCE FOR ALBANIANS? on 3600 our votes. It is the maximum number of votes in Llabunishte that a party managed to secure. Do you know what we gained from them? 3600 vote, do you remember something about your village and something from the previous mayor? Feel free to comment if they have done something, maybe something small, but we do not remember any major project of theirs. Supporters of the same party and leaders in the municipality of the period from year to year 2013 until 2017 now they act patriotic and responsible, and when they had to do it, they were nowhere to be found. TURP!!!

Now two or three words about the most bitter subject for all of us: quarries. Here is a brief history of when concessions were granted for the exploitation of mineral raw materials in the area of ​​our Llabunishte:

  1. Concession for the export of mineral raw materials – limestone, Gradishte locality (great resource) with construction permit no. 24-7402/1 that data 12.07.2001. Po, well read the year 2001 (from this quarry are those pictures where they mine..)
  2. . Concession for the export of mineral raw materials – limestone, Krasta locality with construction permit no. 24-2385/2 from date 20.04.2012.
  3. Concession for the export of mineral raw materials – limestone, location f. Llabunishte with construction permit no. 24-463/1 from date 11.01.2013.
  4. Concession for the export of mineral raw materials – limestone, locality Krasta with building permit no. 24-2961/14 from 31.12.2014.
  5. Concession for the export of mineral raw materials – limestone locality Strizhak with building permit no. 24-1652/2 from 14.07.2016.

If you looked at the years when these permits were granted, you will come to the conclusion that it is a period when none of our party functionaries were in office.. But don't get us wrong, even though they were not in operation then, this does not mean amnesty for them, on the contrary, they have the duty to oppose this evil, bad old more than 20 quick. We want to say that we have been active in all events for almost a year fighting for the closure of the same. As a party, we have been part of all meetings, protests, meetIngS, we have made it possible to communicate with the relevant institutions on this issue.

A brief retrospective of the activities and events of the year for this issue. Almost a year ago, Llabunishtans became active through associations, civic organizations, party representatives in order to solve the perennial problem with the quarries in our village. Petition signatures were collected, protests were organized, several meetings were held with representatives from competent institutions. The Minister of Economy, as the most competent, was in our village several times, our representatives were with him in the ministry, at his request, an inspection was sent from several departments to the scene and to all concessionaires, Statements and interviews were given in the media regarding our problem and in the end a law proposal was submitted to amend and improve the Law on Mineral Raw Materials, which was also related to the article 51 from the LLPM regarding the manner and procedure of termination of the agreement for the exploitation of mineral raw materials. The proposed law was also placed as an item on the agenda in the Parliament, but due to the issue of the same, it could not be approved ( there were also other events and moments that we will discuss in more detail on another occasion).

Epilogue from this brief explanation of activities within the past year: rejected three requests for new concessions which previously secured all positive opinions and compliances from ministries and institutions, unilateral termination of the agreement with some concessionaires, time withdrawal of some others, while those who continue to work have reduced the intensity of work (at least until now). We know that we have not reached the ultimate goal of closing the quarries, but we believe that with joint effort in the future we will achieve that too. With this aim, we as a party will continue with all the means at our disposal, with all our might, until the last breath we will fight this and every other problem in our village.

Yesterday, a document was released to the public where representatives of the political branches and sub-branches in Llabunishte, have signed a boycott for the parliamentary elections (when you want them to be held), the document was signed by all the leaders of the political parties that gravitate to Llabunishte, except from our party. At that meeting, our representative revealed the DUI's position, that we as a party will participate in the elections, when you want them to be held. We took this position because we believe that our current problems should be solved institutionally as we have done so far. This is our position, CLEAR AND PUBLIC. And what will we do with those who signed for the boycott?, and one day later their member was removed from the list for the deputy? What will we do with those who signed but started campaigning and preparing for elections?? Isn't this duplicity, isn't this a game with the intellect of the Llabunish people? Representatives of these parties are in a big perplexity if we think that they play with the feelings and intellectual awareness of the people of Labuan.. We are convinced that Llabunishtans have detected these manipulators and are quite aware and educated to know the truth and justice. Let it serve in honor of those who lie who will boycott because you yourself will witness that the same first ones will run in the next elections.

Before we end briefly we want to share with you (although we prepare a printed and video report for this) for what we have done this mandate at the central and local level:

  • Projects from the field of ecology and living environment
  • cleaning and ongoing maintenance of the village landfill
  • 2/3 of the landfill is transported outside Llabunishte
  • tank for drinking water with a capacity of 700m³
    -connecting the sewerage network in the only unconnected part of our village

• * Projects from the field of education

  • construction of the retaining wall and construction of the sports hall
    -construction and commissioning of the school sports hall
    -investments in SFC “Murat Llabunishti”
  • organization of educational activities for preschool children
  • Infrastructure projects
  • cleaning, widening and concreting of local roads
    -reconstruction and asphalting of the central local road
    -reconstruction and asphalting of the main road in the length of 1 km
    -road paving “Korea-Old Alumina” in length of 1.4 km
    -asphalting of the road to the Llabunishte stables
    -construction of the retaining wall and provision of parking spaces at the Mosque – Krasta and other projects that we will present in the future.

In the end, we ask for forgiveness from everyone who, in difficult times, publishes text with political connotations, but believe that we feel a responsibility to share facts and truth, so that you as readers are informed about the same.

We do not believe that there are those who enjoy the evil of their people and country, maybe one of you has longed and cursed DUI members, someone directly attacked DUI, we understand you and we will forgive you for this, because we believe you are sensitive, emotionally weak due to the current situation, at the end of the day we are all like that, but we must stand strong in this common fight.


Let's all restore trust together.
We extend our hand to each other and help each other in our possibilities. Now Llabunishta needs us, more than ever.

Let's all leave the divisions together, of all the bases.

Let's all together remove the black cloud that has risen over the sky of our beautiful Llabunishta.
Please, to believe, to be optimistic that “the sun will shine” on our Llabunishte.
For the Llabunishte that we love!!

  • take the opportunity to wish the beginning of the holy month of Ramadan, may it be for many years, let's spend it in full health and happiness with our loved ones. Ramadan is the month of worship and kindness. Let this blessed month be a reason to refresh our hearts, fulfilling duas and prayers and strengthening our relationships , with emphasis on family ties and values.

I respect BDI – Labunishta