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“We want to bring the championship cup to Struga one day” – Arbtrim Kyra for Sportmedia

write: Zoran Gjorshoski

The Trim Lum lathe is a miracle. This season is breaking records in PMFL history. Eight matches since the start of the season and the same number of wins. We don't remember any club in the past three decades in independent Macedonia having such a starting streak. The club that was founded only seven years ago, now he is in the center of attention in mac - football, and beyond. The Trim Lum lathe is proving to be a success story, a club with big plans and ambitions, a club that the people of Struga are proud of, especially the members of the Qira family. Well-known businessmen who in seven years "launched" the club from scratch to the performance in Europe last year, and this season Struga Trim Lum is rushing towards the title.

Reason for "Sportmedia" to do a weekend interview with the president of Struga Trim Lum, Arbtrim Qira or Trim as he is known in wider football circles.

"Of course we are proud of what is happening now with Struga Trim Lum. We are proud of the players, to the team working there, of coach Srdjan Zaharievski. They are the main assets in this story. Let me say that, first of all, we worked an excellent transition period. We kept Zaharievski with whom we easily agreed. He was happy with what he had done with the team before. As a management, whoever we appoint someone to a position is known to be in charge, that he fits the team. We have brought in some quality reinforcements such as Besart Ibrahimi, hard work followed, and there you go, the results are here. Let me say that we consult Zaharievski for every transfer, he has the main word" says the first man of Struga TL.

-In addition to this, there are probably other reasons why Struga TL is now at the top of the table?

"First of all, we are a club that functions as a family. Everyone who comes to Struga TL is part of an extended family. The atmosphere is very good, the players work hard, they know they are part of a success story. We work as hard as we can in training, they give the maximum to the trainings. We as management try to provide them with maximum conditions. That's the recipe.".

-Struga TL does not have a cumbersome management, here they are 4-5 people who know how to do their job?

"By, Yes. First of all, I would like to mention my father Mendi Kyra, then my brother Lumi Qira, sports director Besart Isaku,secretary Miftar Shaqiri, and when deciding on a big thing, then we all sit down and agree. That's how things are with us. We have all been here since we founded the club. The same people".


-Struga TL has eight out of eight. The title is probably being considered now and definitely?

"It's nice to see the table,but still we must not be euphoric. It is too early to talk about the title. Yes, it's great what's happening with the team now, but so far we have not won anything. Only a quarter of the season has passed. We are going step by step, so we'll see where we end up in the end. Our goal before the start of the season was to have a good season, to be in the upper part of the table, to win an exit to Europe. Now if the players continue with this rhythm, it is clear that the ambitions will also change. But about that later,there is time," Arbtrim Qira is sincere.

-How does it feel to be in front of Shkendija and Shkupi,clubs that won the titles in the last two seasons, but also before the others in PMFL?

I'm not hiding it. Honestly, the feeling is very good. To win eight matches is really not easy. Of course we have to stand firmly on the ground. I said it and I will say it again, there must be no euphoria. We just have to continue with the hard work. I still consider Shkendija and Shkupi to be favorites, but we are here to make trouble for them. By the way, about the fact that it is said that we are boring, that we only win, I joke with the director Besart Isaku and tell him that it is nice that we are boring".

-Struga as a city is proud of Struga TL, fans come to the matches, slowly but surely the club is becoming a favorite of strujani?

"It makes me happy and satisfied. We are aware that we have a problem with the infrastructure and that is why I am here to reveal that we are currently in negotiations with the first people of the municipality to make a project for the construction of a sports complex. There will be a stadium in it, two pitches and all associated elements. We want everyone who comes to the stands to have adequate conditions. Not to mention the lodge. Now even if we want a guest to come, we have a problem. Of course, this will take time, but those are our intentions. Then there will be work with young people, youth academy, accommodation conditions and the like“.

-Struga TL insists that young people be given a chance, it is invested in them?

"Speaking of the young people, let me say that I am their fan. This season, Maleski has made great progress, here is Hogan Ukpa, of course Muharrem and others. No words should be wasted on Ibrahimi, Shabani and the rest, but I am happiest when I see young people progressing. I expect that Maleski will receive a call-up for the young national team in the near future. Speaking of Qosevski, I expect him to be called up to the A-national team for the upcoming friendly matches this fall. He has our passport, there is no defense for the BiH A-selection“.


-Struga TL exists since 2015 year. For these seven years, he made fantastic results. Where Arbtrim Qira sees Struga TL in the near future?

"When we founded the club seven years ago, we had several dreams, ambitions. The first was to reach the First League, the second to play in Europe. We achieved these two goals, now the third remains, and that one day Struga TL will be the leading club in Macedonia. One day, let's bring the championship cup to our city. These are the plans for the next ones 2-3 years. Well,now, if the title comes earlier, of course it will be even better. Let me finish by saying that Struga TL will continue to show that it is and will be a success story"the first man of Struga TL finished.