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Reaction of Imer Imeri from AA: Struga has no problem with 6 platforms, but with the concreting of the lake

Reaction of Imer Imeri – Alliance for Albanians

Today the main culprits that Struga has become a black sheep, as they declared themselves, that Struga residents live in chaos and without perspective, they came out without shame and boasted of their crime, trying to deceive the citizens.

The Secretary of the Municipality of Struga, a few days ago admitted that in the protective belt around the lake there is 65 illegal constructions, while the corrupt mayor said there was no illegal construction. The last few weeks have been the least 3 criminal charges for illegal constructions built in the last three years in the lake quay, from people close to Ramiz Merko and his party.

Today's action is a media farce- show in the style of Artan Grubi. In Struga the main problem is not 6 -you platforms in the lake, but the complete concreting of the coast.

This is easily confirmed, just a walk along the quay.
Responsible for burning reeds around the quay causing an environmental disaster irreparable damage to flora and fauna.

today, Merko admitted that he had not had a tourism development plan for the youth and residents of Struga for four years, announcing that at the end of the mandate he will ask the government and UNESCO to have a plan.

Today's farce to remove the platform is something familiar to DUI, They always pretend to solve problems a few months before the elections by camouflaging and covering the problems. They are trying to show that they are cleaning up landfills in an attempt to disguise their crimes, in order to act on a function and return to the old methods of management, with crime, chaos, illegal landfills corruption and mismanagement.

The inhabitants of Struga, neither can you deceive them nor underestimate their intelligence. Struжаниani already understands the difference between the management of the municipality by the Alliance for Albanians and DUI.
The numerous problems in Struga are coming to an end, in October the residents will solve the problems themselves and this time neither the tender coalition nor the theft of votes will help. Dignity will eventually be restored in Struga , while those who denigrated him can never return to the Struga leadership.