NEWS / news

As of today, new measures / Read what is mandatory for every citizen

As of today, the Government's regulation for wearing personal protective equipment for the nose and mouth, which can be: respiratory mask, disposable surgical mask, textile mask for multiple use, cotton scarf or scarf, bandana and the like. Physical coverings of the nose and mouth in all citizens will allow the transmission of the virus to be interrupted. It is mandatory to wear protective equipment to cover the nose and mouth in all public enclosed spaces, such as public transport., markets, cans, mail, ambulances, hospitals, institutions, as well as in open spaces where there is no possibility to maintain a distance of two meters between citizens such as markets,open shopping malls, narrow streets, bus stops and the like.

The device for mandatory wearing of protective equipment for covering the nose and mouth is adopted together with the regulation for reducing the restriction of measures and is crucial in the prevention of the spread of the virus.. За личната и колективна заштита може да се користи маска или прекривка на устата и на носот кои целосно ги покриваат устата и носот. Почитувањето на оваа мерка од страна на сите граѓани, on the entire territory of the Republic of Northern Macedonia is extremely important for the protection of one's own health, the health of their loved ones and collective health, why only protection can prevent a significant increase in the number of newly diagnosed patients.

Wearing protective equipment to cover the nose and mouth is not mandatory when staying at home, in your own backyard or terrace, when playing sports, cycling or outdoor walking with a distance of more than two meters.

Wearing protective equipment to cover the nose and mouth must be followed by increased hand hygiene and citizens must be very careful how it is placed., and how to remove the cover how it is manipulated because dirty hands in the external environment during the manipulation can cause infection. It is important to maintain good nasal and oral hygiene, that is, to wash and iron the reusable cover after each wear, and disposable masks should be properly disposed of in sealed bags.

The Ministry of Health appeals to all citizens to fully and without hesitation to respect the measure for wearing protective equipment to cover the nose and mouth, mandatory frequent and thorough hand washing with soap and water or disinfectants, maintaining a physical distance of two meters whenever possible. Responsibility for protecting one's own health, the health of loved ones and public health is of every citizen. Thank you for following the measures.