NEWS / news

Good news for Struga / There are no new cases today

The Ministry of Health informs that today the Institute of Public Health registers 29 cured patients. From them 4 patients from hospital treatment and 25 who were treated at home. Cured patients are treated at home: Skopje - 21, Bitola -3 and Strumica-1.

in the past 24 hours has been confirmed 41 a new case of covid-19. by cities: Skopje -17, Kumanovo -11, Prilep– 5, Tetovo - 3, Kavadarci - 1, Gostivar -1, Kriva Palanka -1, Kichevo -1, Negotino -1. The person registered in the regional unit Negotino is a resident of Demir Kapija.

With this, the total number of diagnosed patients with Covid-19 in our country is 1300 , and the last distribution by city is:
Skopje - 439
Kumanovo - 353
Debar - 51
Prilep –131
Tetovo - 65
Struga - 55
Velez - 62
Bitola –17
Ohrid –15
Kavadarci - 5
Gostivar –14
Gevgelija - 4
Strumica - 2
Kriva Palanka-5
Radovish - 4
Krushevo - 3
Kocani - 28
Probistip - 2
Kichevo - 3
Negotino -3
Demir Hisar - 1
Macedonian Ship -2
Pehchevo- 1
Valandovo -1

In the past day and night made 649 test. Through IPH-437, via Veterinary F-Tet -23, Avicenna -20, Biotech - 49, Philip II (Jean Mitrev) –90 and Sistina with PCR method -30. So far, the country has done a total 13649 tests for the acid -19.

At the Clinic for Infectious Diseases and Febrile Conditions are treated 63 patients. From them 23 of oxygen support and 5 of mechanical ventilation.

He was hospitalized in the CGH "September 8" 31 a patient. With a more severe clinical picture 7 patients and 7 are connected to a respiratory machine. They are being treated at the hospital in Bitola 11 patients, and more 11 are monitored for home treatment. At the moment, they are hospitalized in Stip 3 patients, and home treatment is followed 13.