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left, react divogradbite and usurpation of Struga coast

Local initiatives Struga again appeal for usurpation and destruction of Struga coast, for which state inspectors allegedly did not find any illegal constructions. Given that the construction inspector of the municipality of Struga, when acting at our request, found illegal construction of a concrete parapet and issued a Decision for its removal, it is evident that the government and institutions at the central level protect the crime and business interests of local powers and do not illegally take any measures to sanction them.

While the Government is conducting an aggressive campaign in the international community for the development and prosperity of the country, reserves and national parks are built on the ground, the world cultural heritage is irreversibly devastated, the forest mafia makes millions, while all institutions are silent and tolerate the arbitrariness of individuals close to the government. Prime Minister Zaev, who personally supported the mayor of DUI Ramiz Merko, has a duty to explain to the public about the devastation and destruction of Lake Ohrid and the inaction of the institutions against DUI crimes.

Left will submit requests for urgent inspection of disputed plots to the State Environmental Inspectorate, The State Inspectorate for Construction and Urban Planning and the Cultural Heritage Administration and at the same time we call on the Anti-Corruption Commission to open a case, following the example of the illegal buildings of Matka. We fight for an equal society for all, and not just for the privileged individuals of the ruling establishment and capital!