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Report of the day – 166 active cases of coronavirus in Struga

The Ministry of Health informs, according to data from the Institute of Public Health:
In the last 24 hours are done 2.730 test, and registered 642 new cases of KOVID-19 in: Skopje - 321, Prilep and Veles – by 40, Kumanovo - 27, Gostivar - 23, Kavadarci - 22, Ohrid - 20, Tetovo and Negotino - after 17, Stip - 15, Bitola and Strumica - po 13, Berovo - 12, Delchevo - 9, Gevgelija - 7, Resen and Bogdanci - po 6, Struga and Kocani - after 5, Debar, Vinica and Krushevo - after 4, Kicevo and Sveti Nikole - after 3, Makedonski Brod - 2, Kriva Palanka, Radovish, Kratovo and Demir Kapija - after 1.
Registered 524 recovered patients from: Skopje – 347, bat - 42, Kumanovo – 21, Bitola – 16, Tetovo - 13, Veles and Gevgelija - after 12, Kocani – 10, Gostivar - 9, Berovo - 8, Strumica - 6, Valandovo – 5, Krushevo – 4 , Sveti Nikole, Kratovo, Probistip and Pehchevo - after 3, Kichevo - 2, Kavadarci, Ohrid, Kriva Palanka, Demir Hisar and Dojran - po 1.
Registered in total 25 begin faces, aged 61 – 91 year and that: 5 patients from Skopje, from Tetovo – 3, from Prilep, Gostivar and Kavadarci - po 2 died and one dead person was reported from Stip, Velez, Ohrid, Struga, Kocani, Negotino, Gevgelija, Kriva Palanka, Probistip, Valandovo and Kratovo. All reported died in hospital.
Made 2.730 tests through: IJZ-668, CJZ Skopje-95, CJZ Bitola-79, Clinic for Infectious Diseases and Febrile Conditions-4, Forensic Medicine-0, Kozle Hospital Laboratory-0, UK Pulmonology with Allergology-0, GOB September 8th-0, Jean Mitrev (Philip II)-134, Avicenna-357, Biotech-333, Sistina-324, laboratory Laor – 410, Sinlab-32, Remedika-7, PHI and ROM (rapid test) - in total 287.
So far, the country has done a total 590.276 testing kovidah-19.
The total number of KOVID-diagnosed persons in our country since the beginning of the epidemic is 119.378, the number of recovering patients is 100.774, of the dead is 3.473, and the number of active cases is 15.131.
According to epidemiological analyzes at the moment, the distribution by cities is as follows: Distribution by cities Infected (in total) Active cases (in total) Skopje 53172, active 7705bat 6497, active 949 Kumanovo 6241, active 544Tetovo 5988, active 446 Gostivar 4246, active 388Kavadarci 4093, active 645 Stip 3971, active 285Velez 4020, active 479 Bitola 3947, active 449Ohrid 3782, active 571 Strumica 3034, active 263Struga 2564, active 166 Kocani 2088, active 203Kichevo 1879, active 91 Negotino 1767, active 448Gevgelija 1599, active 327 Sveti Nikole 1185, active 62Kriva Palanka 1011, active 139 Resen 933, active 128 Debar 818, active 24 Radovish 830, active 81 Delchevo 803, active 75 Berovo 761, active 89 Probistip 627, active 65 Vinica 560, active 36 Valandovo 461, active 79 Krushevo 407, active 128 Bogdanci 373, active 78 Kratovo 309, active 21 Demir Hisar 312, active 44 Demir Kapija 322, active 79 Macedonian Ship 272, active 20 Pehchevo 205, active 12 Makedonska Kamenica 195, active 3 Dojran 106, active 9