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VIDEO – Amid a pandemic, Ramiz Merko spent tens of thousands of euros in restaurants

Ramiz Merko spent from the municipal budget 27.500 euros in 2020 year for national teams, that is, for eating in restaurants. In the past three years, ie for 2018, 2019 and 2020 that amount is almost 78 thousand. The money was spent from the program "Mayor - for expenditures and representation". The opposition reacted to these expenses.

"Last year in conditions when we had a state of emergency, when catering establishments operated with restrictions, are spent 27000 euros. In that way, the citizens' money was misused… At the last session, the mayor did not deny the fact that that money was spent for representation ", said Alen Dereban - councilor from VMRO DPMNE.

"Where and when did you eat lunches and dinners when we know that from 11 March we are in isolation? The restaurants were closed for a long time, when more than 4 people still can not gather and eat in a restaurant? Where did you spend it? 27.500 euros for representation?“, says Raimonda Mamudi - Advisor to the Alliance of Albanians.

And many citizens of Struga react to the high sums that are spent for such purposes.

I think this is not good and I think that the people should think a little about who will vote in the next ones elections… "

"It's a bad thing. Once they have spent them, and no responsibility… For lunches, for evenings during a pandemic, it's a disaster… "

"I live very little here. I live in Slovenia. It's not good to spend money from the people… "

"This is a luxury. It is true that it is a luxury. For me as an economist - that's a lot. It could have been shortened ", the citizens react.

Merko was not available to answer where and how this money was spent? We also sent a question electronically, but we did not get an answer that way either. Otherwise, with the budget for this year, Merko's majority provided him with money for the same purpose of approximately 50.000 euros.

By Miki Trajkovski – ALSAT