
The fraternal embrace of the Hyenas, to the detriment of the people of Struga

As "Ramiz the Patriot" and his mercenaries said: "we are alone in the race and we have won it ourselves".

A lie that ended, as well as all the lies and abuses that happened in Struga over the years

Zoran's SDSM celebrated with DUI to the detriment of Stružani.
This celebration has nothing to do with the progress of the city of Struga
This celebration is a continuation of the abuse and destruction of the resources that God blessed Struga.
While one (Zoran) says he made his first million by selling peppers, the other (Ramiz) declares that it does not belong to a "vizier" like Ramiz Merko to drive a modest car like a Skoda, Maybe “the vizier” to leave him on the street.
The municipality is in debt, with a high risk of total bankruptcy.
"The lathe is on fire.", Ramiz and Zoran comb their hair"

Do the citizens of Struga and the citizens of RSM want the Ohrid Lake region to lose its UNESCO status??!
Or they want to usurp public land from those who are doing their best to blackmail them, they threaten and manipulate the citizens.

Aren't some scraped people so dignified that they sell their vote?
20 years instead of progress and development, DUI makes us sell our vote for bread.

The picturesque city of Struga is world famous for organized crime, from drug trafficking to usury under the hood and protection of the ruling party DUI.

This reality must change and you can do it, the citizens of Struga, regardless of religion or ethnicity.

The opposition and other partners of the SDSM-DUI coalition must unite and unconditionally support every opposition candidate who is in the second round against the "liberators of 2001".

We start from Struga to Skopje.

Premtim Dema