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Fire on Mount Dollogozhdës continues, firefighters left without doing anything (VIDEO)

For several hours the mountain is burning above Dollogozhda village on the right side of the road to Pohum. helping fire by wind dispersed at high speed and has captured large areas of forest. Residents of Dollogozhdës for VOX Struga indicated that they are concerned about the burning of forests and the fear that the fire near the village. According to their cause fire still not known, but stress that it may be intentional.
VOX Struga reported the case at the beginning of fire. currently, Field are just two employees of the Forestry Department and some residents Dollogozhdës.
According to them, a team from the Fire Unit in Struga came a few hours before and gone without any work. Firefighters are arguing that the terrain is unsuitable and that they can not do anything to prevent fire.
“it came, so wanes. We can not do anything. There is work that we can do. That said, and fled” – VOX expressed to Struga-n one of the participants in the field.

Fire in these parts is not new. Every year there were forest burning, while two years ago the situation was alarming. As a result of the fire deliberately set, at that time they were burned large forest areas are also vulnerable inhabitants of three nearby villages, Dollogozhdës, Pohumi and Lower Tayeshi.
To extinguish the fire, then they worked for hours to youth Dollogozhda villages and Tatesh, side by side with firefighters Struga, Debar, Ohrid and Resen, which came after the call for help from the local administration. The fire was finally extinguished by throwing water from the high planes of the Directorate for Crisis Management.
/VOX Struga /