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ZERO transparency from Struga Municipality – Accusation by Lulzim Nasufi

The Council approves the Annual Account of the Municipality of Struga for the year 2022 – Transparency of the Municipality – ZERO.

That this happened in the Municipality of Struga, I present to you only one fact that the group of Advisers of the Alliance for Albanians - Struga Branch, has submitted on 30 requirements related to Investments, Works Implementation Contracts, implementer, superintendents, for Infrastructure works in the Municipality of Struga, Public Municipal Enterprises and NO ANSWER.

Let's take just one example – the Annual Program for the Regulation of Building Land for the year 2022 and from 6.500,000.00 Euro, that the Municipality of Struga has foreseen in this program for the year 2022, you yourself to Analyze and Prove what IS BEFORE, IS IT REALIZED by this Annual Program by the Municipality of Struga led by Ramis(with) Markon.

On this occasion, some questions for the Administration of the Municipality of Struga and Merko :

1) In the program, you have provided for the patching of potholes in the city – Denar, or 115.000.00 €, which potholes have you patched in the city in the year 2022?

2) In the program you have foreseen Denar, or 20.000.00 € for Roundabout on p. Mislešovë on the M-4 main road, why you did not realize it and where the funds were spent?

3) In the program you have foreseen Denar, or 650.000.00 € for the Reconstruction of the lower and upper promenade of the Drini i Zi River, why you didn't realize it and where you spent the funds?

4) You have foreseen Denar, or 195.000.00 € for the reconstruction of "Marks Engels" street from "J.N.A" street ( roundabout at the police station of the city ) to "Risto Krle" street – Struga, why you did not realize them and where you used these tools?

5) You have allocated funds for Reconstruction and construction of sidewalks in the city of Struga – Denar, or 160.000.00 €, and which sidewalks have you built in the city in the year 2022?

6) In the program you have foreseen Denar, or 102.000.00 € for the reconstruction and construction of roads in the Mini Servise area, why you did not realize it and where the funds were spent?

7) In the Program for the Fecal Sewage section, atmospheric and the Water Supply Network you have foreseen 79.500.000.00 denarii or 920.000.00 €, where you built the Sewerage Network, Fecal and atmospheric networks, and where you built the water supply networks?

8)You have foreseen Denar, or 325.000.00 €, for the reconstruction of "Proleterski Brigadi" street, "15 Korpus" street to the roundabout, "Partizanska" street – Struga, why didn't you do it and where did you use these tools??

9) In the Program for the Public Lighting section, you have foreseen 6.000,000.00 denarii or 98.000.00 €, where you built Public Lighting Networks in the city and the surrounding area?

The only point of the program that you have realized is the regulation of the former elementary school facility, which you maintained for years until the students were in that facility in catastrophic conditions, and you invested the citizens' money for yourself, plot denarius or about 320.000.00 Euro.

So it's time that Ramis(with) I want to make the use of public funds of the Municipality of Struga transparent, and after so many years STRUGA to stop the tendering and contracting of infrastructure works mainly from 2 – 3 the same companies and the supervision of public works almost by a Supervisory Body...!?

Lulzim Nasufi, Head of the ASH Branch - Struga.