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He dies of coronavirus 56 year old from Struga / 76 new cases across the country

in total 76 new cases of Kovid-19 infections in the country, 26 healed and one dead

From the total 885 long tests performed 24 past hours, are recorded 76 positive patients with Covid-19, while at the same time 26 patients are cured, informed today the Ministry of Health.

The Ministry of Health in the statement states that 52 from the newly registered cases are from Skopje, 14 Tetovo, by two from Kumanovo, Veles and Gostivar, and one from Stip, Kocani, Probishtip and Kratova.

from 26 cured patients registered by the Institute of Public Health, 12 are from Skopje, 11 Tetovo, two from Kumanovo and one from Gostivar.

A patient from Struga died in SPQ "September 8" (56) admitted to the hospital on 21 May as suspicious for Kovid, confirmed positive after hospital admission, added to the statement.

The total number of people diagnosed with Kovid-19 in our country since the beginning of the epidemic is 2.391, the number of patients cured is 1595, the number of deaths is 141, while currently the number of active cases in the country is 655.

. Recent distribution by city:

• Skopje - 928, active 338
• Kumanovo - 469, active 55
• Debar - 51, active 0
• Stip -104, active 69
• Prilep –212, active 30
• Tetovo - 231, active 86
• Struga - 84, active 12
• Veles – 132, active 29
• Bitola –28, active 3
• Ocher-23, active 6
• Кavadar - 5, active 0
• Gostivar –29, active 8
• Gjevgjeli - 4, active 0
• Strumica - 4, active 2
• Kriva Palanka- 6, active 0
• Radovish - 4, active 0
• Krushevë - 3, active 0
• Koçan - 38, active 7
• Probishtip - 3, active 1
• Demir Hisar - 1, active 0
• Makedonski Brod -2, active 0
• Pehcheva - 3, active 0
• Berovo - 1, active 0
• Vallandovë - 2, active 1
• Vinica - 3, active 1
• Delchevo -1, active 0
• Kratovo - 3, active 1
• Sveti Nikolle - 2, active 2
• Kichevo - 3 , active 1
• Negotino-12, active 3 (7 sick people from Negotino are residents of Demir Kapija)

"It simply came to our notice then 885 test: ISHP-249, SCP Skopje-34, Avicena-35, Biotech-136, Zhan mitrev (Philip II) – 175, System with PCR method -128 and ASHAM-128. So far in the country have been carried out in total 31,187 Kovid-1 tests. From the total number of tests performed on 24 past hours, 127 tests are inside the screening. The tests were performed in kindergartens in Skopje and gerontological institutions and no positive cases of Covid-19 were confirmed. ", added to the statement.

Until this morning at the Clinic for Infectious Diseases and Febrile Conditions in 24 six patients have been admitted in recent hours, bringing the total number of hospitalized patients to 40. The most seriously ill and with oxygen support are 16 patients, while no patient is in the respirator.

Until this morning, Nine new patients were admitted to the “September 8” SPQ, while total hospitalized are 31. In the respiratory tract are 6 patients, while with more severe clinical picture are 6 patients. They were hospitalized in the hospital in Bitola 7 patients, while in home treatment it is being monitored 1 patient. They were hospitalized at the hospital in Stip 14, while in home treatment they are being monitored 16 patients. In the infectious wards in Ohrid, Veles, Kumanovo and Prilep, are hospitalized 27 patients - positive and suspicious for Kovid-19 ″, added to the statement.