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Trim & Lum, soon with business center and hotel in Skopje |Trim and Lum will soon have a business center and a hotel in Skopje

Brave and Lum Company, which of 30 has been successfully operating in the construction and real estate business for years, recently comes with a new and very interesting project in Skopje. The Trim and Lum Business Center is under construction, representing a combined object, hotel and commercial center, a novelty for the domestic market.

“Trim & Lum Boutique Hotel” and “Trim & Lum Business Center” are located on the boulevard “8 September”, in the Municipality of Karposh. Connections between boulevards “8 September” and “Nikola Karev”, proximity to the highway (Kaçanik street) that connects Skopje with the Republic of Kosovo, proximity to the course of the Vardar River, City Park, hospitals and sports centers, makes this facility even more attractive and accessible to citizens and the business sector.

The Trim and Lum Company, which already 30 has been successfully working in the construction and real estate business for years, recently came out with a new and very interesting project in Skopje. The Trim and Lum Business Center is under construction, which represents a combined object, hotel and commercial center, innovation for the local market.
"Trim and Lum Boutique Hotel" and "Trim and Lum Business Center" are located on "8 Septemvri" Boulevard, in the Municipality of Karposh. Connections between "8 Septemvri" and "Nikola Karev" boulevards, the proximity of the main road (Kachanic road) which connects Skopje with the Republic of Kosovo, the proximity to the river Vardar, The city park, hospitals and sports centers, make this facility even more attractive and accessible to citizens and the business sector.

Trim & Lum, soon with business center and hotel in Skopje

The Trim and Lum company, which has been successfully operating in the construction and real estate business for 30 years, recently came up with a new and very interesting project in Skopje. Under construction is the Trim and Lum Business Center, which represents a combined facility, hotel and commercial center, an innovation for the local market.
“Trim & Lum Boutique Hotel” and “Trim & Lum Business Center” are located on “8’th September” boulevard, in the municipality of Karposh. The connections between “8’th September” and “Nikola Karev” boulevards, the proximity to the main road (Kacanik street) that connects Skopje with the Republic of Kosovo, the proximity to the Vardar river, the City Park, hospitals and sports centers, make this object even more attractive and accessible to citizens and the business sector.