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Tragedy in Pohum, one killed and one wounded / Tragedy in Pom, one dead and one wounded

VOX Struga police sources learns that, today around 18.40 Pohum in the village of Struga person with initials U.V.(1997) by Pohumi, has fired firearms, in all likelihood pistol, drejt Z.B (1996) and V.B (1973), both father and son. The son Z.B. died at the scene, while father V.B was sent injured with ambulance to hospital. The perpetrator of the murder surrendered himself to the Police Station in Struga. The causes of the tragic event are being investigated.

Today around 18.40 in the village of Poum-Struga U.. IN.(1997)The village of Poum fired from a firearm, most likely a gun at Z.B.(1996) and B. B.(1973)(father and son) as well as to other persons. ZB died on the spot, while VB with TTP was transferred to MC-Struga. Urgen together with the weapon reported himself to PS-Struga. Inspection will be performed.