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Free parking on Sundays and Mondays in Struga / Sunday and Monday, free parking in Struga

Dear fellow citizens, members of the Islamic faith, J.P. Eco Struga – Struga congratulates you on the great holiday of Ramadan Bayram. We inform you that on the occasion of the holiday, parking lots will not be charged on Sundays and Mondays – 01.05 and 02.05.2022. Above all, we wish you good health, tranquility and well-being in the home and family. Have a happy holidays.

Dear citizen,to the Islamic religious affiliation,N.P. Eco Struga – Struga wishes you the Eid al-Fitr holiday. Please note that due to the holiday, parking lots will not be paid on Sundays and Mondays -01.05 and 02.05.2022. Above all, we wish you health,peace and well-being at home and family. Have a nice vacation.