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The doctor is attacked and 3 nurse at Struga hospital

Several nurses and a doctor from the surgery department at the Struga General Hospital were attacked in their workplace by a person who forcibly entered the facility.. The event happened on the hour 4 in the morning two days ago, declared for Alsat the doctor Ilmi Reçi, who was on duty along with three other nurses.

It all started after two people arrived at the department.

One had injuries caused by unknown causes. While they were waiting to enter the doctor, one of them has started behaving violently. He broke the window and the door, entered the doctors and attacked them.

The case has been reported to the police. The attacker has been arrested, but he was released the next day. Doctors say they do not feel safe in their workplace.

Because of such unwanted situations that have happened before, attending doctors are forced to close the door of the ward after hours 23.00. In the Struga hospital, there is no physical security throughout the day, therefore the police are responsible for security.

"While we call the police, STEPPING 10-15 minutes before they arrive. The surgical ward now had a problem, but things often happen in the internal ward. They come drunk, on drugs and it becomes a mess".

At the beginning of this month, an employee of the Emergency Medical Service in Ohrid was also attacked, while recently two doctors in Struga's emergency room were also targeted. /Alsat.mk