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Hamza Zylali and KK “Drina” Countrywide champion karate

Hamza Zylali Champion Countrywide in Karat

Today 28.nëntor.2018 in the Albanian capital Tirana, in a festive atmosphere among the Albanian flag, Championship took place 19 Countrywide in Karate, for cadet, Junior and Senior.
Attended by about 200 Athletes from all Albanian lands as: Albania, Kosova, Karate Union of Albanians from Macedonia and Albanian clubs from Ulcinj.
In this great national event attended and Karate Union of Albanians in Macedonia.
This event took important figures of the sporting and political life but also Japan's ambassador in Albania. Remarks, during the opening of the championship, held and chairman of Mr. UKSHM. Alim Hajredini-.
The athletes were adorned with UKSHM 4 medlje: a gold, two of silver and a bronze.
Hamza Zylali (Drina) – cadet -70 sell kg 1
Kudret Ferizi (youth) – Junior -76 sell kg 2
Nevrija Ismaili (Kushtrimi) – Junior +59 sell kg 2
Muhammad Memeti (youth) – Senior -84 sell kg 3
Hamza Zylali in the style of a champion won four sports struggle with profound results (9:1, 10:1, 8:0 and final 6:1) and with full merit Countrywide was declared Champion in Karate.

our athletes in this league led coach Irfan Shaban Ali and Murtishi. While justice is shared by two judges UKSHM Samir Saliu and Silver Musliu.
Publicly we want our gratitude to the Mayor of Cair Mr.. Visar Gani, which made possible the journey of our athletes in this championship.