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The new hospital in Struga is a dream far from coming true for the people of Struga

For years, the promise to build a hospital center in Struga is used as bait to fish as many votes as possible from the Strugan electorate, by any politician and in any election campaign whether local or central. nevertheless, the reality shows that the hospital built since the time of the former Yugoslavia has been left to the misery of time and so with limited space and capacity and even dilapidated walls it continues to serve the patients who need medical help from this hospital. City hospital facility in Struga, it was built towards the end of the years 1960 – 1970 of the last century, as such planned for the needs of 20.000 30.000 resident. Of course, after more than half a century, the population has increased and along with this natural process, the needs and requirements for medical services have increased, which continue to be provided in the same facility built before. 60 years. According to the census of the year 2021 in the region of Struga the total resident population is 50.980 people, i.e. twice as many people as expected to cover this facility without forgetting to emphasize the fact that the Struga General Hospital also serves as a regional center where patients from the entire region of Southwest Macedonia including Dibra are treated, Ohrid, They even received patients from neighboring Albania.

Minister of Health: The Surgery rooms were creepy, the hospital looks like it is in the 2nd century

Minister of Health, Fatmir Mejhiti, says that is aware of the poor conditions in which health services are providedand in the Struga General Hospital, however, it does not define whether the institution he leads has any concrete plan or strategy to change the condition of this hospital within a certain period of time.

"As you know, health is a living factor and we have to deal with it every day. But I am aware, I have visited the Struga hospital before 6 month and what I saw in the operating rooms was horrifying. In fact, I have given it to the press that the hospital looks like it is in the 2nd century. Yes, we will definitely act wherever there is a need, but I believe you understand that our country is not a rich country, we have to keep it in mind, but it does not mean that material means are needed, a better organization is needed, just as we are in our houses as we say the good "domac"., that's why we also need to work with the institutions", declared for Portalb.mk Minister of Health in RMV.

Arsllani: Regardless of the object, the medical staff in Struga has always provided professional health services

In addition to the limitations due to the very old hospital facility, the Struga General Hospital is also faced with numerous financial problems.. Due to a large debt accumulated over the years during a certain period of the year 2022 the Struga hospital operated with a blocked bank account. The hospital's debt was approx 3 million euros, but according to the director of the General Hospital in Struga, Dr. Armend Arsllani, this debt has been significantly reduced and the hospital continues to operate, providing the necessary professional service to all patients.

"Due to the crisis with the COVID19 pandemic and a large debt of the hospital collected over the years in my beginnings as a manager I had many restrictions and blockades. The Health Insurance Fund in RMV estimated that the year 2023 in terms of management, it was the most successful year for Struga Hospital in 5 last years. The hospital's debt has decreased significantly , now it is somewhere 1 million euros less. The hospital has had no shortage of drugs and other medical materials. Currently in the hospital budget we have 24 doctor in specialization and 4 others in subspecialization. There were no problems in paying salaries and in signing new contracts. It is worth noting that during the year 2023 are made over 20 employments and it is expected that there will be new employments during this year“. declared the director of the General Hospital in Struga, Dr. Armend Asllani.

Dr. Armend Arsllani says for Portalb.mk that the quality service from the well-prepared and very professional staff at the General Hospital in Struga has never been lacking. This is also shown by the high numbers of patients from the entire south-western region who choose this hospital for their treatments.. Dr. Spreads that in the Department of Surgery from January to October of the year 2023 are done 930 surgical intervention and that: 130 patients from Dibra, 110 Appropriate charges will be filed against him, 100 the monasteries, 80 Resnja, 80 from Kirçova, even 10 patients from Makedonski Brod, 15 that Demir Hisari, 10 nga Krusheva, etc. Without a doubt, the treatment of patients from all over the region overloads the work in this hospital.

"As hospital management, we try to improve the conditions as much as we can. With financial assistance from the Health Insurance Fund in RMV, hospital budget and help from private donors, some renovations have been made in the hospital premises, including the reconstruction of the laboratory, anesthesiology, surgical clinic, ophthalmology, the peak of radiology and pediatrics facilities. however, maybe these projects are small compared to the needs of the hospital but they are very important. The general hospital of Struga is in constant contact with the Ministry of Health and with the design unit within the Ministry, for further steps and bigger projects", he expressed Armend Arsllani.

Citizens are pessimistic that they will be lucky enough to see their city with a new hospital someday

Strugan citizens, those that the health services should receive in this hospital, are the ones that above all suffer the consequences of bypassing relevant institutions for improving the condition of this hospital. Some people say that they say that when they look at the state of health in this city, they justify the mass departure of young people, while others say that they pray that they never have to be hospitalized.

"How can I tell you?, my children ran away for a better life even though they have all the conditions. I had a hard time justifying their decision, but every time I have work here at the hospital and I see the misery in which we are immersed, the more he understands and reasons not just my children, but all those who flee", said a Strugan mother.

"A few days ago, I did blood tests, they had made some changes in that department. They had painted the walls and placed every chair, what a pleasant change came to me. How little do we have to do for us as citizens to rejoice and say yes, it's better", said an elderly woman.

"I have no comment on the conditions in the hospital. save we pray to God that we are in good health and do not need to seek medical help“, declared a citizen.

"This is how things are going, the new hospital in our city for many soon we won't even dare to dream about it“, said one student.

OTHERWISE, during the pre-election campaign in local elections of the year 2017, solution for the hospital in Struga promised and Ramiz Merko, current mayor of the Municipality. He promised the renovation of the Struga General Hospital (in cooperation with the Minister of Health), however later in an interview for Portalb.mk said that they have asked the Ministry not to allocate funds for the renovation of the hospital in the 2018 budget, but for making technical documentation for a new hospital.

however, most of the renovations were done with private donations, however, there is still no new hospital, and there is no mention of when it will be.