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Ramiz loses even if he wins

Write, Bekim QOKU

The second court session continues in 15 in February at the Basic Court of Struga.

Ramiz Merko is not a symbol but an emblem of corruption, of DUI in particular and of this governing majority in general. The immeasurable wealth of him and his family, the colossal and irreparable damage he has done to his university, the destruction of trust in institutions and courts due to interventions, organized crime that has extended to gangs and strongmen in the city of Struga and beyond, has reached such proportions that the American State Department was forced to sanction it by putting it on the American Black List.

One of the reasons why it is vital for DUI to remain in the government as long as possible, and who is so unscrupulous in her methods, it is because only in this way it can protect the highly corrupt and incriminated figures especially in its ranks, but also the figures with whom she has close cooperation in crime.

He sued me because we offended him by calling him corrupt in a post on social networks. It was not three days after I received the court summons, DASH declared him Non Grata. The irony is that DASH's allegations against him were much more serious and substantial than my claim published on Facebook.

When most believed that Mr. Merko will withdraw from this lawsuit because DASH now confirms my claim that he is corrupt, even severely corrupt, so severe that it is sanctioned together with the family, he insists even more strongly to take this process against me to the end.

But why is Ramiz Merko so persistent?? What motivates him to continue the legal process? What makes him brave that this process will come out victorious? And what will he achieve if the court decides in his favor?

WITH. Merko knows that I am not the only one in the defendant's bank, but with me is also DASH. If the court decides against me, it also indirectly decides against the US Department. For, absolving myself of my claims, he also clears him from the charges of the American state.

Where is the faith of Mr. Merko that it will turn out amazing? Precisely from the rotten and captured judicial system and of course from his party colleagues in power. Ai and of itself, the court battle to be cleared of corruption charges, he doesn't just do it for himself, but also in the name of many of his associates who are already on the blacklist. His vindication, it would mean vindication for all the blacklisted. His colleagues from DUI and the coalition are doing their best to make open cases obsolete through legal frameworks so that the law does not take them. With a word, the government of Ramiz Merko together with the allies want to legalize the corrupt acts and thefts that have been done in the recent past.

however, I'm repeating it, he has lost the war even if he wins this battle in the court he enjoys alone 2% of the trust of the population.