NEWS / newsThe town / city

citizens want urgent solution to the problem of stray dogs!

Parents of preschool children and school Struga urging local authorities to urgently take measures to address the problem of stray dogs in the city.

Struga citizens are concerned about their safety, especially the safety of their children, fear of being caused by the homeless and those without a guardian is moving in the clutch.

These scenes are often seen in the morning when people go to work and when children go to school or day care, but also in the evening, when there is little movement in the streets, emphasize citizens.

Citizens who sent their request in the newsroom Ohridnews , They point out that groups of stray dogs endanger everyone's safety, but especially the children who go to school unaccompanied by an adult, and the elderly who are unable to defend themselves.

As a tourist destination, the city of Struga also need to take care of the safety of tourists visiting the city, emphasize citizens.
The urgency of solving this problem comes as no lack of measures taken by the authorities, it is possible that its local citizens can begin to put poison, and that besides endangering the lives of pets but also inhuman attitude towards stray dogs, but also a very big risk for children.

Request – është dërguar edhe në Komunën e Strugës me shpresën se të njëjtit do të marrin masat e duhura për të zgjidhur problemin në fjalë.

spring: OhridNews