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Stray dogs a problem for Struga – Strugalajm

Day by day increase the risk of stray dogs that are in large numbers, but still not seen any intervention by the competent authorities to resolve this issue.

Stray dogs have become a big problem for citizens of Struga and the surrounding villages and not only. In the absence of adequate facilities to, dogs roam the streets at all times.

"This is an issue that should take urgent measures. Only in Dollogozhda village can encounter on 15 dog on the street. This is a problem that should not be overlooked, because it can bring enormous damage. Children walk shy when they return from school. Every day we hear the same problem in other cities. Now comes winter, dogs are unable to find food, so they become hungry and wild. It must be found as a quick solution to address these dogs, so do not be afraid to risk and men. "- said M.Zh from Dollogozhda village.

"This is not today's problem, This problem started long ago, but still do not see solutions. Dogs on the road are more dangerous and it happens by negligence of people who take dogs, I feed two to three days and when bored of them, thinking that possess the right on them, I keqtrajtonë and thrown into the street. In this way rage dogs and pose a greater risk, especially for children. The state and municipalities should solve this problem it is too late and do not expect that only non-governmental organizations for the protection of animals react, which sadly lacking in our city. "- said B.I Struga

It seems that this problem has come to be one of the main themes in any discussion between citizens, who are waiting for a solution, The only alternative is the treatment of which, vaccination and their sterilization or opening centers for housing.

"When we seek solutions to the problem, We do not require that dogs are mistreated and killed, because this would be a very big mistake. On the contrary, It should take measures humanely, dogs housed and have sufficient care, so would not pose a danger to people, who have a share of the blame for what is happening. I hope soon to have any intervention in connection with this problem tomorrow can cause great damage to the people, I hope no late reaction. "- said a citizen from Struga.

worrying situation becomes even more dangerous during evening hours, where the number of dogs becomes larger and increases fears among citizens who move into those hours. Besides the fear of being attacked, citizens also see very troubling risk of diseases that dogs can transmit.(