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The central government began to “wring its wings” Merkos!?

Deterioration of relations with Macedonian partner, LSDM, apparently it is starting to cost too Municipality of Struga head, Ramiz Merko. Relations between the two coalition partners in local government in Struga, but also in central government, He began to split apart down the Sonja Stojkoskës, The second man in Struga coming from SDSM. Stojkoska left with all the pressure and pleas to return to the local administration, He refused to do, implying that something is wrong with municipal leaders.
In the same time, Active was also debate about the city's beaches and providing them with concession, dividing all the lake shore in 37 private beaches. This project is bitterly opposed to all parties in the Council, in addition to DUI. Although convinced that this will pass plan, after lengthy discussions in the Council of Struga, points speak for beaches were left without voting. This was done in order to win the Merkos administration time and convinces one for local councilors. It was rumored that offered large amounts of money and other commitments from associates Merkos, but none of the council members “He did not concede”.
SDSM to report on, partner in both governments began perishable and not long after entering the new year, the central government and took power for nests of Struga. The reasoning was that the local administration had not complied with the law in the management of kindergartens and change of directors Inappropriate. Around 1 year, Struga kindergarten has changed at least three directors
To understand how serious the situation between partners, Bdi – LSDM, She speaks most recent news, that the new law is expected to enter into force after one month, Municipality of Struga will take their responsibilities for managing the beaches. With this law, the shore of Lake Ohrid will manage the Ministry of Transport and Communications. This was stated by Minister Goran Sugarevski, a few days ago during a meeting with Ohrid citizens.
How will the following events will be seen in the next days, but one thing is. The central government has begun to “wring its wings” Ramiz Merkos!
/VOX Struga /