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Why not maintained the wooden bridges?! /Why not maintained wooden bridge?!

Wood Bridge, The symbol of the town of Struga back in its place two years ago, is not maintained. Struga municipality is obliged to deal at least twice a year to maintain, Dye color and material necessary for the longevity of the bridge.

wooden Bridge, symbol of the town of Struga returned in place two years ago, not be held. Struga is bound by the agreement at least twice a year to maintain, to dyed with color and materials required for the long life of the bridge.

symbol bridge was built in the 80's of last century by becoming a unique tourist attraction. As a result of negligence and non-maintenance, It began to degrade and turn into a dangerous bridge to cross. As a result,, in year 2011 local leadership then, headed by Ramiz Merko as chairman, He decided to break. The wooden bridge collapsed with the promise that it will be rebuilt in the same place. This promise Ramiz Merko never held.
Citizens sought constantly because most were emotionally connected to this bridge.

The bridge was built in the famous 80-ies of the last century and has become a special tourist attraction. As a result of not holding and recklessness of institutions, It began to degrade it to the level that was a risky thing for citizens. For this reason, in 2011 the local government headed by Ramiz Merko decided to ruin, with the promise that I will build again in the same place. This measure did not promise never held. Citizens demanded bridge all the time because many were emotionally connected to that bridge.

It was the year 2016 when preparations began to finally return to Struga Wood Bridge. At that time Mayor, Ziadin Sela announced the beginning of construction preparation of Wood Bridge. Before the project was presented citizens, and to facilitate the Struga budget, then the local administration had agreed with the owner of a successful company Struga, Trim and Happy. mountain Qyra, the owner of this company signed an agreement with Ziadin Sela, by which all the construction costs, ordering the specific material and installation of the bridge will be covered in the form of donations from company Trim and Happy.

It was 2016 when the two began preparations to finally Struga to return the wooden bridge. then-Mayor, Ziadin villages announced the news that starts construction of bridge. Before de citizens presented the project, and to facilitate the municipal budget, then local government had to agree with the successful company Struga, Trim and Lum. Trail Kieran, The owner of this company, signed with Ziadin Villages, , under which all costs of construction, order specific material and installation of the bridge would veil in the form of a donation by the most successful company Struga, Trim and Lum.

At the beginning of the year 2017 everything was ready. The wooden bridge was assembled and citizens could use it. Inauguration took place before hundreds of Struga Ziadin Sela, Mustafa Zabzuni as Acting Mayor and Mendi Qyra, donator. All work reached a, dоnatori devoted to his friend, activist, Naser Hani.

However, although the Struga municipality is obliged to maintain the bridge, since its construction, from this institution have never put up on the bridge. If not maintained and this bridge will be destroyed and will be destroyed as the old bridge.

In early 2017 year, He was ready. The wooden bridge was mounted and citizens began to use. The opening took place before hundreds of Struga and lace it cut off villages Ziadin, Mustafa Zabzun VD and Mayor donor Mandy Kira.

But, although it is bound to take care of the bridge, Struga did not put a hand on it since the date of construction. If not maintained and this bridge will crumble as the old.