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Pollozhani replicates Shaqiri: Does it think urban development center when the waste is 800 meters away from the heart of the city!?

Rescue Pollozhani, Albanian activist reacted to a comment Proaquas Director, Jeton Shaqiri, who justified the decision of the Municipality of Struga for the one-way transformation of the main street of the city. Pollozhani has been among the loudest who have opposed this plan calling it dangerous and illegal. Here is Pollozhan's full comment, addressed to Jeton Shaqiri, Director of NP Proaqua.

“Jeton Shaqiri. The lane is one-way. No tourist will fall to Struga from M.Engels, the way the hospital, up to the lake ring.
Urban development to look asbestos pipes of the city water supply, who are since 1960.
Urban development seems to be the center of waste, which is alone 800 meters away from the heart of the city.
The bicycle lane could be placed, same as in Ohrid, by, the road should be two-way anyway. It is the main artery of the city.
Let the creators of this project tell me, can i go by bike from the lake, to the women's beach to Ibraim Temo Gymnasium. Already, no and no. You have confused bicycle fans the worst.
There is nothing personal in this attitude. Wait until the stonecutters arrive and you will see what will happen to the hospital road where the mess will double”- concludes the activity comment Shpëtim Pollozhani, followed VOX Struga.