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What happened to the New Hospital of Struga??

Armend Reçi

If we want to see the level of a country, it is better reflected by health and education.

I am talking only about the health sector in Struga, because unfortunately citizens are only increasing their concerns and dissatisfaction with the health services offered by the Struga General Hospital day by day.

The main reason lies in the weak hospital infrastructure, which otherwise translates as non-investment and neglect on the part of the government (garnish after garnish), but also total negligence by the local government, not raising its voice for the need to improve these conditions, let's not talk about taking adequate measures seriously for the construction of the new hospital, which shows that they do not want to know about the needs of the citizens.

Another problem is the deficit of doctors in various specialties, such as in the surgery department, pediatrics, internal diseases, etc.. Considering the fact that even the current specialized personnel, where some of them are about to retire, add here the trend of young doctors constantly leaving, because the principles of meritocracy are ignored by not being implemented, for example, the employment of a doctor on the basis of the party book, extreme politicization of the selection process of specialists, low wages, poor working conditions, all of these are summed up with a staff deficit and the start of the process of the dysfunction of health services and the reduction of their quality, but always not through the fault of the doctors who deserve tremendous respect for their tireless work, but which are not rewarded proportionally.

Another major problem, the public debt of the Hospital is increasing, which results in a problem with the salary process of some of the health personnel, mainly nurses, young doctors, especially those who are undecided, treating them cruelly, we have seen cases where this part during the campaign is forced to return to 'soldier'’ party to secure the job (even though they were educated with honor and dignity and deserve it).

This phenomenon, it also gives a side effect, eg me as a current medical student and as a future doctor, should we prepare for employment in this disastrous system, that tortures you mentally, or to choose Germany? (Question mark that according to statistics they have 7/10 medical student)

If there is no improvement, here hope will die once and for all because no one wants uncertainty about the future, either doctors for employment/specialization, either citizens will leave because they don't want to stay with a country that is gripped by anxiety from the carcinoma of our health system.

Reflect faster, it was due yesterday, do it today because tomorrow will be late!