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Why was suspended on “Ura e Morovishtit”?!

It launched with much fanfare in May and was told it would be ready before the start of the tourist season. But it says a popular proverb ” by said at making, there is a whole sea”. So it was with the famous project of Struga for the construction of a roundabout at the place called “Ura e Morovishtit”. The project was promoted and was told many big words from local leaders, even do runway shows are supposedly supervised work. But although the project had to be completed before the start of the summer tourist season, which falls on July, stalled since early works. Instead during the summer to ease traffic in this part, the opposite occurred because of road destroyed and left the work was commissioned and became even more difficult for him. This situation with the traffic load continues to this day. Now being made 6 months since the beginning of works and at least 3 months that we worked at the selected company for performing works. Why wait to teach citizens, followed VOX Struga.
In some cases, opposition party, Alliance for Albanians accused the municipality and its chairman, Ramiz Merko for the destruction of the road and not its completion, but the municipality did not respond.
Here's what they tell me Municipality of Struga 25 May:
“from today 25.05.2018 Reconstruction work began on the current katërkrahësh junction roundabout at the junction with regional road between St.. P1201 (Struga Dibër) and regional road st. P2243 (connection with regional road P1201- f. Drasllajcë) or at the place called "Bridge of MOROVISHTIT" in the municipality of Strugës.Ky project financed by the Municipality of Struga worth about 7.7 million denars. Кy investment will facilitate the Struga city traffic and connection to the villages around it and avoid traffic jams at this juncture.”
VOX Struga will require official response from the municipality why they were not working on this project and what is the cause of yet begun work without interruption?