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Clean the city and win 100 euro – Interesting project for the citizens of Struga

A lot of money for the citizens of Struga

Struga, 17 December, 2020 - In cooperation with various local sectors, individual citizens, OJQ, private firms and government representatives, we present to you a sum of monthly money for the citizens who will voluntarily clean Struga from the date 1 January 2021.
The award aims to encourage and serve those who care about keeping the city clean, especially public places, after cleaning done by municipal employees who work hard for everyone.
The price is 6100 Denar (100 euro) and will be awarded to the winner each month on the date 25 after selecting from the "Before and After" photos sent to clear a place.

How to participate:

  • Photograph the polluted public place. After cleaning, photograph the same place again. Send all photos to email: info@lida.gallery 
  • If you are more than one person cleaning the place, enter all your names, if your group wins, the price will be shared between you. Enter a contact number as well.

Criteria for winning:

The winner will be chosen according to: 

Larger surface cleared of all submitted photos

The winner will be announced on the date 25, each month and will be called to receive the award.

This award-winning collaboration effort was initiated by the international artist, Lida Scherafatmand, who has lived in Struga since 2018, as an inspiring place for her creativity in painting. She is a nature lover of Macedonia and is currently preparing a collection of works of art based on the flora heritage in the municipality of Struga, for the Nezlobinski Museum.

This project is supported by: Municipal POE - Struga, Stojkoski Legal Office &Kjatoski, BiMedia.info, Bager Genesis 2.0 Struga, Museum Dr. Nezlobinski and Lida Scherafatmand.

For any questions about this, CONTACT: info@lida.gallery