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After denouncing the VOX Struga, Komunalja cleans the waste dumps around the city / After signing in VOX Struga, Utility clean up illegal dumps around the city

After the denunciation of citizens and VOX publication in Struga some ugly picture of a mini wild landfill in the city, NP Komunalja reacted today with her teams. During the day this enterprise have acted to cleaning illegal dumpsites around the city. The images speak for themselves. wild landfill was published in VOX Struga, As of today there. This proves once again that together we can do the best job for our city.
therefore, continue to denounce or on our Facebook social network.

After the civil registration and publication in VOX Struga some ugly pictures of a mini landfill in the city, He reacted to JP Utility and its teams. During today of this enterprise committed action to clean illegal dumps around the city. The view alone talk. Wild landfill post on VOX Struga, today there. This shows once again that together we can do good things for our city.
Therefore to register in our country or in the social network Facebook.