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New park in Struga, warns the Communal / New park in Struga, announces Communal

30.11.2020 Monday / E hëne

The teams of JP Komunalno Struga today started arranging a new green area of ​​12000m² in the city of Struga on the location opposite the Women's Playground Women's Beach. A new park will be erected on the place where until recently there was a neglected area and an illegal landfill. The space is already horticulturally arranged, will be planted and 100 high quality seedlings of evergreen pine tree, and additionally a new hydrant network will be installed in a total length of 1000 meters with 100 sprinklers. New benches will be installed in the park, as well as trash cans.
The director of JP Komunalno Struga IZMET ISLAMI pointed out that this is just one of the parks that will be built on areas where they were previously neglected and piled with garbage, and the greening of the city of Struga remains at the top of the priorities of JP Komunalno Struga.

today,The teams of NP Municipal Struga started with the arrangement of the new green area of ​​12000m2 in the city of Struga in the place in front of the handball field of the Women's Beach. A new park will be built in the place where recently there was a neglected space and wild landfill.
The space is already landscaped,will be planted 100 cileso seedling of tall trees or pine wood,per me teper, a new hydrant network will be installed with a total length of 1000 meters and with 100 new seats and garbage bins will be placed in the park.

The director of the Municipal POE Struga IQMET ISLAMI emphasized that this is just one of the parks that will be built in the spaces that until yesterday were neglected and filled with garbage,while the greenery of the city of Struga remains a main priority of the Municipal POE Struga.