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Students learn elementary 3 weeks without heat, School wood are spent!

alarming situation in the old building of the Primary School “Miladinov brothers” Struga. For three weeks, do not light the fire due to the lack of wood. Students learn in cold, and the effect this type of learning that you can imagine.
circle 300 students of second grade, third and fourth classes in Albanian, Macedonian and Turkish and two classes with students with special needs, We freeze the cold in these days of time when temperatures have dropped again.
It teaches VOX Struga, the only measure taken by the school management from yesterday's cuts were classes, but according to this teacher does not solve the problem.

“For three weeks there have heat. We wanted to take measures, but they told us that there are no trees and will continue to do so. It is painful to see children shiver with cold, especially during the first shift. Often we bring wood from home to fire” – VOX say about Struga n some teachers whom we contacted.

They reacted even some parents. In our address complaints have come from some parents, who say they will be forced to cease their children at home. The school building is old and cold. The children Body 8 olds can not afford it cool, especially to sit for at least 4 hours of learning process.

On this subject also teach two classes with students with special needs, by teachers who do not know how to say and complain about the cold.
On the other hand, Another object of this school is heated by central heating system through oil and it teaches VOX Struga, there warm-works without stops and facilities are warm.
the school premises heating periods should last until 15 April, but in the old building heating season ended a few weeks earlier.
otherwise, We would expect clarification from municipal authorities for this situation. Why are not providing the necessary firewood throughout the prescribed period?
Finally, charges are added to the local administration and its head, Ramiz Merko to be living a life of luxury spending means citizens, buying the latest model of car, while on the other hand students 8 year is freeze in cold environments school.
/VOX Struga /