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Once upon a time there was Struga!

Struga has moved in many directions and has become much richer materially, but it must be said that it is extremely impoverished from an intellectual and cultural point of view. The city that was once a coveted station of the all-Albanian intellectual elite, today it is gradually turning into a provincial city. The city where intellectual comfort was found by the greatest poets and writers of the Albanian space, starting from Kadare, Agolli, Spahiu, Zhitija, Shkreli, Mekuli and many well-known names of Albanian letters, today it has turned into a picture-mockery and irony: "As the city where you graduate - just register"

By Patriot LUMANI

You are scraped, We all have the positive opinion that the Albanians of other regions have had towards us. This positive opinion we have encountered for our city in Tirana, Prishtina or other areas, it did not happen by chance that we are the best among Albanians (away from her), but it has come as a result of the idealism and the traces left by the Struga people in these territories during their life or intellectual journey. There were dozens of families of the Struga elite who contributed to the proclamation of Albania's Independence, since the remains of Struga on this side of the border, settled in Elbasan and Tirana, conveying the good name of our city in Albania politically and strongly contributed to the cultural and all-round life there. There were dozens of idealistic teachers originally from Struga, that Albanian letters were taught to children for the first time, in almost every Albanian settlement in Macedonia, excluding Kosovo after the year 1945.

undoubtedly, were and are hundreds of students and professors, that the name of our city was presented with dignity not only in Prishtina, but throughout Kosovo. For, in short, the name of the Struga people everywhere in the Albanian space has been raised by the well-educated Struga people with a strong national core without excluding the Struga activists of the cause who were active in every national movement- liberation. By, above all - the "Struga brand" were the professional intellectuals that this city has produced over the decades. For, it was these missionaries who exalted the name and the best features of the Struga people as the city of intellectualism and culture. It is a known fact that the University of Albanians in Macedonia was founded in Tetovo, but almost all the deans of the faculties were from Struga and this did not happen by chance, but at that historical momentum - the city of Drini i Zi had the necessary framework for the functioning of that institution.


Struga has moved in many directions and has become much richer materially, but it must be said that it is extremely impoverished from an intellectual and cultural point of view. The city that was once a coveted station of the all-Albanian intellectual elite, today it is gradually turning into a provincial city. The city where intellectual comfort was found by the greatest poets and writers of the Albanian space, starting from Kadare, Agolli, Spahiu, Zhitija, Shkreli, Mekuli and many well-known names of Albanian letters, today it has turned into a picture-mockery and irony: "As the city where you graduate - just register". This situation did not come only through the fault of the Struga people, but also of some garnishes outside Struga that the intellectualism of the Struga people found annoying promoting amateurs, extortionist, arrivists in policymaking, education and culture and, above all - by consciously destroying the quality of education in view of rapid enrichment (the strongest weapon of the Strugans) employing and promoting persons who have nothing to do with education and the profession for which they are certified. SIMILAR NEWS Crop 23, 2021 Pri 23, 2021 Pri 22, 2021

today, Struga has hundreds of graduates, but they lack professionals and idealists - those who have brought good name to the Struga people. meanwhile, conformists have been added who have the snail as a model, the more they lick - the higher they go in their career. today, a good part of Struga's intelligence reacts with lots of ideas and criticism (maybe even rightly so) to national developments, but they have no single reaction to their Struga, which is being emptied and defactorized in every direction (exclude two three voices). today, we as Struga can also have numerous conceptual reservations about the famous names that this city has produced starting from the people of letters like Agim Vinca, Nuhi Vinca, Rasul Shabani, Vahit Nasufi or actor and director Xhevat Limani - who was recently promoted by the Albanian president with the order "Skanderbeg Knight", but intellectuals and creators of this caliber for years we as a city are not able to give to Albanians - a statement that is unfortunate despite the fact that we have a majority of "docents" and "doctors".


Obviously not everything is grim. Life goes on and things can even be improved, it is enough to focus and build policies to stop the intellectual erosion caused to Struga. Although free movement is a value, necessarily those who run the city and will run it in the future - should immediately build incentive policies that a part of the diaspora, primarily professionals, to return to Struga. And this can not be done with campaign words in election time, but with meaningful and executive acts. An assistance in this regard would be the opening of an office within the Municipality of Struga, which would keep in touch with the diaspora which for the leader to have a personality with integrity and not a political person, this step should be followed by other actions of a stimulating and affirmative character.

Struga, unless it stops the displacement, in the time frame of 10 years is very close to becoming the second Prespa and we will say: "Once upon a time there was Struga". meanwhile, Immediate is the different organization of the educational structure in the settlements of Struga and possibly the pursuit of an incentive policy towards the best teachers and the removal of that part that considers teaching a job to postpone the days until the next salary.. Another strategy that can be built in the future in cooperation with business - is to set up a fund or foundation which would focus on financial support of the best students with the condition that after graduation, to return to the homeland.

Struga could very well become a liaison city by increasing cooperation with Kicevo and Dibra, setting up institutions in Struga in the interest of the three cities, why not the neighboring cities on the other side of the border - this is also based on European models of regionalization. meanwhile, when it comes to tourism - Struga needs another development strategy, because except for Ohrid which has direct competition in this part, Korça and less Pogradec have strongly entered the tourist market. All Struga residents have already seen and visited Korça as a city when it has a strategy and has clearly defined urban and cultural objectives. If in this regard, we as Struga do not build a tourism development strategy with defined focuses and deadlines for implementation, we will continue to lose tourist importance even though we have all the natural parameters better than neighboring cities. Struga should not and should not be allowed to turn into a summer dormitory with a tourist season lasting three weeks.


The Struga diaspora is one of the most organized diasporas in Albania, which for no moment has departed from the troubles and sorrows of the birthplace. That the Struga people are organized was also seen recently during the Diaspora Census, where the Struga diaspora became strongly active and managed to register thousands of emigrants not only in Switzerland, where it is very powerful, but also in Austria, Italy or America. This powerful diaspora could soon become the catalyst for Struga's development, but it should be motivated and stimulated and not abused as so far. The Struga diaspora in addition to maintaining the ethnic axis in the places where it operates, thanks to the work and initiative, it has the qualities that have managed to create sufficient capital that can very well be put in function of the economic development of Struga. But all of the above can only be realized if serious mutual trust is created in this category., but not trust with compromised and unbelievable people. (