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Muhamed Asani declares after dismissal – Explains the whole case to the patient from Dibra

Write, Muhamed asani – Doctor and former director of Struga Hospital

Until today I have been silent, not that I had nothing to say nor that I did not have a clear conscience, as some may have thought! I remained silent only in respect of the decision of the law-enforcement authorities. For, even though I have faced attacks directed at me maliciously and in a completely intentional way, I thought it would be reasonable for the responsible institutions to speak first.
But I note that this silence may have been misinterpreted by a section of the public.
It is quite obvious that all this nonsense with successive attacks from individuals and portals who do not know me personally or my work, excluding here the serious media, it is simply and only an attack initiated by accusations of people who are motivated by competition and individuals with an anti-Albanian nationalist spirit. Despite the fact that it appears to be an attack on my position as a doctor, in fact, it was a literal attack on my position as the head of the Struga Hospital, position which I held with merit and fulfilling all the criteria, for more than a year.
Regarding the case published in the media, things have been said and said that only the imagination of someone who wants at all costs to find a culprit can tell.
The patient was admitted to the hospital and prepared for surgery according to all protocols. It was the second Caesarian operation and it is known that after a previous operation was performed, risks and complications are added to the subsequent intervention. The operation process was explained to the patient, the risks and complications that could come to her during and after the operation and she has fully consciously accepted and signed for this.
In the post-operative period, he was under continuous control every day by the care teams (by two specialist gynecologists and four midwives every day), who confirmed the stable condition of the patient. On the fifth postoperative day, the patient suffered an immediate complication (abdominal bleeding) leading to hemorrhagic shock, very serious and severe condition that endangers the patient's life, if an adequate and rapid intervention is not made. A team consisting of two gynecologists entered the operating room urgently, two surgeons and two anesthesiologists, that is, a group of specialized doctors, each working in our field. After an extraordinary job, which lasted full time 8 hour, we managed to save the patient's life.
I want to emphasize and clarify once and for all, that the gynecologist DOES NOT REMOVE THE KIDNEYS. This is an allusion made by some portals and individuals who, or they have absolutely no idea of ​​medicine, or they say it only for tendentious purposes. The removal of the kidney was done by surgeons who had an indication for that action, because only by sacrificing the kidney did they have the opportunity to stop the bleeding coming from there (this is easily verifiable in all documentation).
The work done during this operation is a difficult one, which can be done in more specialized clinics, but with a commitment and persistence from the whole team, we completed it successfully. The patient was then sent to the intensive care unit for further treatment and evaluation.
At the first moment of the patient's admission to the clinic, doctors and specialists from that hospital gave a maximum evaluation for the work done by us.
Our professionalism for saving the patient's life was also confirmed by the commission formed by the Chamber of Doctors, which, ordered by the Minister of Health, immediately created a commission of experts, consisting of five specialists from different fields, of gynecology, surgery, urology and anesthesiology. After the case in question has been investigated in detail, is reached with a conclusion and decision that: No violation occurred during the intervention, no medical errors during the operation and that every action was performed according to medical protocols.
What there is, I can say personally, is that I don't believe that there is any doctor who would want a patient's health condition to be complicated during his treatment, or even worse, to die in his hands during an operation. But that's it, however much dedication and desire a doctor has while performing his duty, it is not all in his hand.
Of course there can also be doctors who are negligent in their work, but anyone who knows me, I know well that I do not belong to this category. I have shown it with my work for more than 30 years at the service of my patients, where at every moment of my work I worked with professionalism and dedication, putting the patient's life above all else. I often sacrificed my vacation hours, time with family, with my children, to be of service to anyone who has needed me. In all my work of over 30 years, these individuals and portals, (or rather websites that open without criteria), they put me in front of two disaster cases accusing me of being a criminal.
In the case of the patient from Dibra, I understand the pain of family members and I know that in such cases, when an accident happens to him, one always seeks to definitely find a culprit, but you must know that during my work I have not committed any crime, no offense. I am truly sorry that the patient faced such a disaster, but immediately after the operation, the condition of the patient became clear to her family members and the reasons why we as a team of doctors acted in that way. I have submitted the professional information and all the necessary documentation for this case to the authorities and I will respect their every decision.
What I regret is the exploitation and use of the misfortunes of these patients by my opponents, as well as from portals that want to get as many clicks as possible, regardless of the fact that they damage my reputation as a doctor, but what I can tell you is only this:
I have a very clear conscience, because I emphasize again that at every moment I worked with professionalism and dedication.
Thousands of my patients over the years can attest to this, who even today do not stop thanking me every time they meet me on the street or in the hospital.
I am grateful to all of them, because the trust and support they give me is the main impetus for continuing my work with integrity and love!

Thank you!