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Do not play with Llabunishta / Do not play with Labunista

Do not play with Llabunishta!

In the last session of the council on the agenda were the school programs. A provocative and unprecedented proposal for education in Llabunishte took place between them. With an unreasonable logic, The director of the primary school "Murat Llabunishti" with the support of the Municipality of Struga brought the program to remove parallels to Llabunishta, one in Albanian and one in Macedonian. Surprised by the proposal, we demanded accountability from the director and the Mayor of Struga, Ramiz Merko, why this decision and why now?

We were not given any explanation that would convince us that parallels should be reduced. We must remind DUI and the whole public opinion, that in Llabunishte and throughout Struga the problems of education are great. Llabunishta is the settlement with the most students in our region.

therefore, do not those children deserve to learn in better conditions?!
In this pandemic time you want to reduce the parallels?!
How is it possible that these four years you do not deal with the sacrifices of all those teachers who have worked where with salaries, where without salary, because the Ministry of Finance does not give approvals for jobs?!
How is it possible that DUI, having the central government and local government not take over these problems, but to provoke the mourners so badly, endangering the dismissal of some teachers?!
Why this proposal?
They have run out of money because you are spending it on the campaign?!

Shame on you!

Do not play such games with the feelings of the swindlers before the elections! Merko administration with "saving" for education and Zaev Government with reluctance to create jobs, wanted to make yesterday such an absurd decision that we could not and will not allow it to happen.

Group of advisors – Alliance for Albanians in Struga

Do not play with Labunista!

At the last session of the council, school programs were on the agenda. Among the discussed programs, a provocative and unprecedented proposal for education in Labunista was given. By an unreasonable logic, The director of the primary school "Murat Labunishti" with the support of the Municipality of Struga submitted a program that abolishes classes in Labunista, one in Albanian and one in Macedonian. Surprised by this proposal, we requested a report from the director and the Mayor of the Municipality of Struga, Ramiz Merko, to answer us why this decision and why right now?

We were not given any explanation that would convince us that the classes should be reduced. We must remind DUI and the whole public that in Labunista and throughout Struga the problems in education are great. Labunista is the area with the most students in our region.

Therefore, do not those children deserve to study in better conditions!?
In a pandemic you want to reduce classes!?
How is it possible, all these four years not to engage in the sacrifices of all those teachers who worked when paid, when without pay, because the Ministry of Finance does not issue them job approvals!?
But, how is it possible for DUI, having central and local government, to do nothing about these problems, on the contrary, in the worst way to provoke Labunishta residents by endangering them by firing several teachers!?
Why was this proposal made?
You've spent money because you're spending it on the campaign!?

shame on you!

Do not play with the feelings of Labunishta before the elections! Merko administration with the "savings" in education and the Government of Zaev by stopping the action for job creation, yesterday they wanted to make such an absurd decision that we could not and will not allow it to happen.

A group of advisors – Alliance for Albanians Struga