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Millions pence Road in Struga villages!

large asphalt roads are expected this year by the Municipality of Struga. VOX Struga has analyzed the Program for local roads passed at the end of last year in the Struga Municipality Council. With the Program for construction and maintenance of local roads, the roads where investments will be made during the year were determined 2019. Several villages of the Municipality especially benefit from this program, Morovishta, Misleshova e Piskpushtina, whose roads have been in a deplorable condition for a long time. Morovishte village, under the Program will benefit approx 12 Millions of denars for reconstruction and reconstruction of local roads and the road that connects this village with Misleshova, the road that connects it with Volina and the entrance of the village from the Veterinary Station to the Saint Spasi Church.
An important road that captures high financial value is also the road that connects the village of Misleshovë with Trebenishte. This route will cost approx 6.5 Millions of denars.
6.2 Millions of denars will be invested in the road connecting the villages of Jabllanicë and Piskupshtina, while Piskupshtinina street – Bezovo will cost approx 2.5 Millions of denars.

Investments in local roads are expected to be realized in some other villages of Struga Municipality, which VOX Struga will publish in the coming days.

  • Morovishte – Myleshov worth of 4 Millions of denars;
  • Morovishte – Will worth of 5,5 Millions of denars;
  • Misleshovë – Trebenishte worth of 6,5 Millions of denars;
  • Morovishte (veterinary station) to Saint Spasi Church, worth of 2 Millions of denars;
  • Piskupshtinë – Bezeve worth of 2,5 Millions of denars;
  • Bezevë – Jabllanicë with a value of 6,2 Millions of denars.

/VOX Struga /