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Merko is not worried about the arrival of visitors from Skopje: They do not pose a risk

On Thursday afternoon, all roads led to Ohrid, Dojran but also Struga. By, during the day, the rain that fell from time to time in Struga, apparently it has not prevented many visitors from other countries from enjoying Struga hospitality.

Mayor of Struga Ramiz Merko, in a statement to Klan M, mentioning several times the Struga hospitality, says the influx of citizens from other areas, they have taught Struga no danger.

By, the Strugans think otherwise. The country's authorities are also blamed for differences in the restriction of movement.

The Public Enterprise for State Roads on Thursday afternoon recorded a record number of vehicles that had passed through road tolls at the exit from Skopje, especially on the Skopje-Tetovo highway where according to information about 20 thousands of cars had left Skopje, who over the weekend had headed for cities in the west and south of the country. /KlanMacedonia