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Merko issued warnings to all municipal administration!

Mayor of Struga, Ramiz Merko, It has issued warnings to the all employees in the municipal administration. Warnings have been issued for compliance with the working hours by the administrators. In each Warning it is written that the respective administrator, to whom this act was submitted, has committed a minor violation of work discipline and that if such violation is repeated, penalties will follow. All of this is fine, but worrying for a part of the administrators is the fact that they received the Warnings without justification despite the fact that they did not commit such a violation. It was not explained to anyone when he committed the violation and did not respect the schedule, but everyone was sent the same text.

A good part of the administrators insist that they are regular and have never violated the working hours, but they have been maximally disciplined in this regard.

VOX Struga learns that the reason for this action of the Mayor of the Municipality is that some time ago some of the employees who were convicted for being late at work, have won the judicial process against the municipality with the reasoning from the court that they should have been warned first. so, to be one step ahead and to have it easier to punish employees, Merko has decided to deliver Warnings to everyone without exception.

According to experts in this field, this way is not right because it causes psychological pressure on the employees and equates exemplary workers to the same level “pa discipline”. Also according to them, if anyone is warned in writing, this must be done according to the rules, correctly determining the day when the violation was committed and adding concrete facts that prove such violation.

/VOX Struga /