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Merko Shaqiri and supervise works for sewage in Frëngovë

Mayor of Struga oversees work towards completing the project in the village Frëngovë

Today Mayor of Struga Mr.. Ramis Merko and NPN director Proaquas Struga Mr.. Jeton Shaqiri monitored closely works for the sewage system in the village Frëngovë.

By the local government was provided to be implemented all requirements Frangovo locality and again discussed all issues that arise toward finalization of this project.

From the Municipality of Struga turn require maximum support from residents of the village Fërngovë this project to be completed within the prescribed period, They were also discussed several other projects for the good of the village Frëngovë.

Office of Public Relations,
Municipality of Struga

Mayor of Struga Frangovo visiting the village in order to control and supervision of the sewerage network

today, Mayor of Struga Mr.. Ramis Merko Jeton Shaqiri director of PE "Proakva" conducting oversight of the construction work for the new network system in the village Frangovo.

By the local government are obligated to implement all the requirements of the site Frangovo and also discussed the possible problems that could occur during the finalization of this project.

Struga requested maximum support of the villagers Frangovo, to a project would be completed on schedule. Among other discussed the future projects that would benefit the village Frangovo.

Office of Public Relations,