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Mehmet Latifi – the lover of Albanian publicism and journalism

Prof. Nebi Dervishi

Mehmet Latifi (1949-2018)-Doajenii of Albanian publicism and journalism (on the occasion of 75 birth anniversary)

There are people in this world who make their way to the next world in complete silence and without noise, even though they have intuitively determined the fate of their work in the memory of the nation; there are other people in this world whose life begins and ends within its painful or rare limits, whether these are the limits of birth or death; And there are third others, who are respected and followed in their footsteps, because their image over the years shines like a lantern. Mehmet Latifi was like that, which belongs to the constellation of Albanian journalists and publicists here in the eastern Albanian territory that for thirty years was the symbol of fair information to the general public.
Six years mw parw, mw 4 Ptill 2018 Mehmet Latifi - Memo-ja also left us in the eternal world, as we used to call him the love of Albanian publicism and journalism. It is an irreparable loss which the Strugane and wider environment will feel for a long time. I am aware that such a cliché cannot be avoided, BECAUSE, after all, running away from anyone's life is a loss for the family, for the people around him, for his friends, which is understood by all human beings. But the parting with Mehmet Latif - "Memo" goes beyond memories and encourages reflection. Seized by this feeling, I am trying to draw these few lines to paint a modest portrait, for our friend who has been missing us for six years now.
Mehmet Latifi was an emblematic journalist and publicist who distinguished himself with his pen in Albanian journalism. I would say a "rebel" of journalism, who, with his work, paved a special path for journalists in their profession. His advice was like a father, journalist and personality high and steadfast in his craft. We spent many years together in Struga with our daily troubles and sorrows. He did not stop until the last days he was optimistic, man who left us many stories, experiences and lessons to face the different challenges.
Mehmet Latifi lindi 75 vjetw mw parw, more 15 mars 1949 in Presevo, in a patriotic family and highly educated, by Latif Latifi parents and Hamide. elementary school in his birthplace and high school in the city of Zadar, where it was decided that since 1974, with close family. In year 1988, waves of life brought in Struga, along with wonderful daughter Anita ... Full 30 I spent years in journalism and publishing...
After a serious illness, more 4 April 2018, Struga separated from family, friends, friends and colleagues, journalist and publicist Mehmet Latifi, leaving us with pain and deep sadness, but at the same time indelible memories.
Time travels its steps leaving its traces on the paths of life, with the color of blood, human woes and curses, within its own gin, with gas and joy during the childhood ritual, to whom they tell stories otherwise.
The personality that has clear traces on those few pages of our written and unwritten history 30 the last few years in the field of Albanian journalism and publishing here in the eastern territories, he was and will remain our very dear friend, Mehmet Latifi, dedicated journalist, immortal, irreplaceable, unobtainable, the eternal, the most boring, the reverend, the expensive one, dear and valuable "Memo".
Six years ago, it was very difficult for me to compile the portrait of journalist and publicist Mehmet Latifi., because I need to write about relatively untimely death ( in age 69 year), just like our friend Memo was (Mehmet) calm man, honest, and very open and loving with friends and ordinary people of different professions.
The news of his death, shocked beyond measure, not only immediate family members, friends, colleagues, as well as those who had known the wise and soft-spoken man, the great master of journalism and publicity, the synonym of portraits, documentaries with a national base, research topics etc., who practiced the love called journalism and journalism with such dedication and elan.
Man dies but deeds do not die. They remain the best evidence of life in time and space, with which it will always bring back our memory to the names that contributed to the nation. Mehmet Latif's emblematic work will remain like this, the well-known journalist and publicist who for 30 year was in tracking the topic, of the idea, of the event, always at the service of true and national journalism, to prove how a journalist and publicist should act and live with his profession.
Always on the move with bicycles and on foot, with a bag slung over his shoulder and a camera or a recorder in his hands, always in step with events. With his own work, Mehmet Latifi testifies how sweet, and at the same time how bitter journalism is and at the same time how dear and how difficult it is. He really had steel will and high work consciousness, and could not stop until the last breath.
He had the profession of journalism in his blood and soul. Lived with him, looked for and found the idea to send it without wasting time to the editorial offices of the written and electronic media as in: "Flame", "The world today", "Daytime", "the fact", "Zhurnal", "News", "24 hours", "Place", "Albania", "Drin", on different portals, etc., for every day, for thirty years sending reports, PORTRAITS, research, investigations, etc..
Mehmet Latifi was an encyclopedia in himself. For thirty years we have known him, every time I stayed in Struga, we met not only to drink coffee, but we also dealt with different topics, and on the spot he created the news. The Association of Albanian Historians and other Associations operating in Struga always had him among them, who reported to the media in a fair manner for each stand, historical event, CONFERENCES, commemorative symposia or meetings and the like.
It cannot be denied the titanic work he did in locating and marking the grave of Ismail Bey Qemal's son., Qazim Bey Vlora (1997) in the cemetery of the city of Struga; The translation and publication of Bruno Krstiqi's Dictionary of the Arbëresh of Zara (2011); for the murder of the torch teacher Myfi Sinojmeri (1954); Research to find the "Deed of Declaration of Independence 28.XI.1912 in Vlora, traces of which were lost in Struga; Numerous written and tonic interviews with Academician Aleksandër Stipçeviqi - the world-famous Illyrian expert - Arbëresh from Zara, etc..
from 1990 and so on, Mehmet Latifi from Struga wrote and reported on every event, cultural activities, sportive, education, humanitarian, POLITICAL, economic and social, but at the same time it was also an inspiration. Rarely anyone has given so much of themselves to the Albanian people in the eastern regions in the field of publishing and journalism.. Few have manfully put their shoulders and chests to the great work of the national cause in Struga and wider, by Mehmet Latifi. And for this reason his emir is inseparable from all cultural activities, education, humanitarian, sportive, ScieNtific, etc.. Mehmet Latifi was one of those men who valued the written and spoken word, he was one of those researchers who take steps carefully and do not tread on unsafe ground, who receive and scrutinize data before constructing an idea or an event or occurrence. In all the writings, portraits, his feuilletons and research papers,
Mehmet Latifi has always written to us simply and clearly with persuasive power, as a true journalist and publicist. And this activity of his in these fields is exemplary for the breadth of the problems he dealt with every day, as well as for the constructive spirit.
Personally, I will feel the absence of tj, not just as a friend, but also as collaborators and collaborators, because all these years everywhere we went, in Tirana, Vlore, Korce, monastery, Debar, Skopje, Tetovo, Ulcinj, Lezha, Presevo, etc., he was always tireless in contributing to fair and impartial information. I will miss him because years ago we started several projects that we hoped would see the light of publication together, and:
"Qazim Bey Vlora - Life and works", "Struganets for Academician Stipcevic"; "Albanian political prisoners in Goli Otok (1949-1986)”; "Myfit Sinojmeri (monograph), published in the year 2019 etc..
Journalist and publicist Mehmet Latifi from 4 April 2018 it is not among us physically, but He will remain a symbol of work over the years, of sacrifice, of pure consciousness, of morality, symbol of pure conscience, of selflessness and sound ethics.
He was and will remain a father (babush- as his wonderful daughter Anita called him) mik, Friendships, the most perfect colleagues and compatriots, most immaculate and unsullied.
He was and will remain an unrepeatable name in Albanian journalism and publishing, a name that takes a lot of work to earn, a name that should be written in the annals of the activists of the Albanian nation here in the eastern and northeastern regions (Western Macedonia, Kosovo and Kosovo- EAST) and wider.
Recently, I often visited him at the dialysis hospital in Struga, together with colleague and mutual friend Zejnulla Qyra, as well as chat ready for every day on the phone. Through friendly conversations, we have seen at the same time how a person rises and becomes truly great with morals and spirit. Like the one on the last day of the visit we made to his house, two days before he passed away (2 April), only a man who believes in his own work can behave, and who believes in his own immortality.
May this truth be a comfort to the family, friends, colleagues and friends.
Glory to your life and work dear friend!
May the earth be light, in the cemetery of the city of Struga

Strugw 15 Mars 2024