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hair Planting, Fashionable DUI in Struga!? (Photo)

VOX Struga days ago announced about hair mbjelljevetë in Turkey and that this phenomenon is becoming fashionable in Struga. More from Struga are visiting Turkey and carry out such interference in Turkish hospitals, in order to plant new hair and regain their former appearance.

In our editorial, It has come a denunciation of a citizen, who sent us this photo showing the leaders of DUI and local government in Struga, the staff of a hospital in Turkey, specialized planting hair.

In the photograph shows, Mayor of Struga, Ramiz Merko, Chairman of the Youth of DUI in Struga and Chairman of the Municipal Election Commission,  Bledar lawyer Ziba, Chairman of the Board of Private University Ramiz Merkos and one of the closest associates of his, Armenian Kadri, and businessman from Struga, who has won the majority of tenders governments throughout Ramiz Merkos.

"Do our money from taxes go to planting of officials wool DUI"- expressed concerned photography whistle-blower.

As you can see, two of the men in the photograph, They are prepared to carry out medical intervention and regain lost hair.

"Is this the same estimated investment of Struga Mayor? A good example is Artan Grubi, that wool planting can reach heights of political career and become the favor with Musa Xhaferi "- continues the citizen denunciation.

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