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The rich 83-year-old Lokja from Veleshta and Struga, he donated all his wealth to the waqf

Lokja 83 year old from Veleshta and Struga, Fikrije Nasufi has chosen Friday to do a humanitarian deed. She has signed with the lawyer that she donates all her property to the Struga waqf.

Lawyer Besnik Asani from Struga, says that it is a matter of great wealth, adding that its value in the market is considered above 50 EUR.

"Work I do with pleasure. Today, grandmother Fikrije Nasufi donated her property to the waqf. The property has great value. In grandmother Fikrije, I saw a complete belief and strong faith in God. May God reward him with endless blessings!”, wrote the lawyer Asani on the social network Facebook in which he also attached a joint photo with the elderly woman and her family members.

Elderly woman Fikrije Nasufi, there was also support for this decision from the family./KlanMacedonia/