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The first child was born this year in Struga | The first baby of this year was born in Struga

👉At the beginning of this New Year, at the Struga General Hospital in the gynecology department at 19:55 the first female baby was born this year, which weighs 3100 g. The baby and mother are in good health.

👉I use this moment to express my gratitude to all the staff who work with dedication 24 hours a day regardless of holidays, they are here for the patients.

👉Our hospital, despite the many challenges, focused on the development of medical technology, in presenting new scientific achievements and in educating staff to provide better service to all patients.

👉On my behalf and on behalf of the employees of the Struga General Hospital, we wish you health and may you always be happy and smiling!
Happy New Year 🎄 2023!

The photos were taken and published with the permission of the parents


👉 It's the beginning of this New Year at the Struga General Hospital of the gynecology department in 19:55 the first female baby was born, difficult 3100 g. The baby and the mother are in good health.

👉I use this moment to express my gratitude to all the staff who work selflessly 24 hours regardless of holidays they are here for patients.

👉Our hospital, despite numerous challenges, he focused on the development of medical technology, to introduce new scientific achievements and to educate staff in order to provide better service to all patients.

👉On my own behalf and on behalf of the employees of the Struga General Hospital, we wish you good health and countless reasons to be happy and smile.
Happy New Year 🎄 2023 year !

Photos are taken and published with the permission of the parents

Armend Arsllani – Director of the Hospital in Struga / Director of the Hospital in Struga