NEWS / news

The Besa movement has some proposals for the Municipality of Struga

Communication from Besa Movement in Struga

We are all witnessing the situation created in recent months as a result of the health-economic crisis by Pandemia COVID19 and the negative effects on life, health and business in general.

Unfortunately, the residents of our municipality were not immune to these consequences.

As a tourist city we are, with an economy largely based on tourist services, restaurants and cafeterias, the main sector which generates basic income for many Struga families, unfortunately it was the sector most hit with the most restrictive measures possible, their complete closure for months.
The news of the gradual reopening of these businesses in the coming days is undoubtedly positive news., but what is disturbing , it is a mandatory measure for the mandatory disinfection of all spaces in this sector, which have been necessarily closed for so long.
This measure, mandatory has significant costs, and would be an additional burden on the budget of these businesses , who have not generated any profit for months, on the contrary, they have suffered significant losses.
Because of that, The BESA-Struga movement demands from the Municipality of Struga that on the eve of reopening:

  • You take care of all the disinfection costs of all the hotel spaces, restaurants and cafeterias that operate in our municipality to the extent 100%, or organize specialized teams that will do intensive disinfection of all facilities.
  • Cancel to the extent 100% all municipal taxes for the year 2020 which deal with the exploitation of summer terraces, and spaces where additional chairs are placed during the summer season.

-To enter into more intensive cooperation with tour operators, to speed up the tourist offer in our city for the summer season 2020, and to avoid possible further losses.

BESA-Struga Movement, puts all its human capacities at its disposal in overcoming this aggravated situation as easily as possible for all.